Chapter 27 - In bad condition

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Chapter 27 – In bad condition

Knock knock, a sound came from the wooden door.

"It's Kamil."

At hearing his muffled voice after the knocks, I felt a sick feeling in my stomach. My throat felt painful as if it had just been burned, and I couldn't muster up a voice to reply. As he opened the door silently as to not make any sound, I reflexively closed my eyes and wrapped myself in my blanket.

After falling asleep in Claudia's bed, because of my bad condition I had been brought back to my room. I might have strained myself too much and tired myself out. Because I felt sick, I haven't had anything to eat, and I've been sleeping all day.

While Kamil checked to see how I was doing, he slowly approached me. It felt as if my heart was being gripped tightly and suffocating. Even though it wasn't cold now, with every step that Kamil took, I could feel myself trembling.


Despite my brain ordering my body to pretend to be calm and answer him, my body had stiffened up and I couldn't even breathe. I could hear my heart beating annoyingly loudly in my ears.

Maybe he'll think I'm asleep, Kamil touched my cheek with his fingers. Goosebumps ran down my body, and my body flinched without my permission.


I desperately kept my eyes closed. I don't know what kind of expression Kamil is making, but I'm terribly afraid of seeing him. He might even be holding a knife in his other hand right now. There's no way he's trying to kill me right now, if he had known about it he would have done something to me the moment he met me, is what my logic was telling me, but even so I couldn't stop my body from shaking.

Without a doubt, I was afraid of Kamil.

Kamil stroked my cheek with his fingers again. Tension and fear seem to have frozen my body solid, this time I didn't react.

I could hear the sounds of Kamil's slow breathing. Even though he wasn't moving, that alone caused my heart rate to go up. However, even the blood coursing through my body felt like it was freezing over.

"......It's been decided that I'll be heading east to take charge of constructing the village."

Although he was talking, it sounded more like a monotone. He muttered it in a rather low voice.

"The earl-sama said that he can't leave this job up to someone he doesn't trust."

Kamil's fingers that were touching my cheek moved to my forehead. He casually brushed aside my bangs, and traced his fingers across my forehead. I could hear him laughing slightly bitterly.

"In a difficult time, you shouldn't be making that kind of face. Eliza-sama's so stubborn......"

Kamil's fingers departed from my face together with his voice. Eliza-sama, at hearing him call me that I opened my eyes, but I only saw his back as he was leaving. My throat remained frozen until he left.

My heart is now pounding hard for a different reason than earlier.

How long has it been. His voice, calling me Eliza-sama like that, I feel like I've heard him call me that before. Although he should have called me that recently, I can't seem to remember when. I felt a mix of many emotions, but for sure his voice had been reproachful.

Without knowing why, tears starting flowing out, and were dripping down my face from the corners of my eyes. The back of my throat hurt badly.

It took three more days before I was finally able to get out of bed.

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