Chapter 25 - Kamil Novak

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Chapter 25 – Kamil Novak

I woke up even though it was still dark outside.

It wasn't cold to the point where it woke me up, but it was chilly enough to chase away any drowsiness. Since I don't like laying around in bed when I'm wide awake, I grudgingly got out from under my warm covers.

When I looked at the water clock in my room, it was much earlier than I normally would get up. Since I hate the idea of catching a cold, I immediately put on my dalmatic.

Since I hate having nothing to do, I decided to take a walk in the mansion.

There should be no problem as long as I return before Mrs. Hortensia wakes up, I thought the same thing as before like on a certain morning so long ago.

Rashiok who was sleeping beside the water clock raised his head. Growl~~, a whining sound came from his throat that indicated he wanted to be spoiled, and I took him with me on the condition that he promised to be quiet.

Since the curtains haven't been opened yet, the hallways were just as dark as my room. Since Rashiok has night vision and acted almost like a guide dog, helping me avoid obstacles, bringing him along was quite useful.

As a domain lord's residence, the Mansion of Golden Hills is considered quite small, so there's not actually that many rooms. Since the barracks next door is actually larger, it makes one wonder which should actually be the domain lord's residence. In order to manage the people in the eastern part of my domain, calmly taking things into consideration it might be best to build a new small city in the center of the domain, as I currently live in the western part of Kaldia.

If war with Rindarl becomes actuality, we'd have to build a new military facility anyways. If results can be shown from us training cavalry troops, the House of Lords will surely support us and further strengthen our army.

I kept my right hand on Rashiok's belly as he trotted along, and I wondered if I actually knew where I was going, when Rashiok suddenly snorted. And then, as if he was troubled by something, he rubbed his nose against my face, and pushed against my back.

By now Rashiok has matured, and he's at the size where his mouth can easily chomp off my head with a single bite. I can really feel how big he's getting, and when he stopped to look at me I gave him a gentle glance.

I saw someone's shadow, and I immediately hid in Rashiok's own shadow. Since Rashiok is taller than I am, it was simple to hide completely in his shadow.

"......Hm, is that Rashiok?"

The person walking down the hallway seems to have noticed Rashiok in the dimness. Rashiok growled softly in reply, and the person went into a room without paying mind to Rashiok. The voice was Bellway's. After thinking about it for a bit, I finally realized that we're close to Earl Terejia's room.

But, isn't it still a bit early for the earl to be up? I had my doubts, and decided to remain here for a bit. After doing it once before, I've acquired quite the bad hobby of enjoying eavesdropping.

From the earl's room, I eventually heard the two of them talking in subdued voices. They talked about the plans for today, and the reports on the pigeons that arrived last night. Getting up this early, must be due to the dedication they're putting in about the matter of accepting the refugees.

I didn't know about such a thing, because I'm still getting up at the same time as usual. Even normally, Earl Terejia overworks himself for his old age, and now he's adding even more to his burden. I can only pray that he doesn't collapse from overwork.

I thought I understood Earl Terejia's reason for rising early, and was about to return to my room.

"Alright, so about Eliza-sama yesterday......"

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