Chapter 23 - The children loving margrave

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Chapter 23 – The children loving margrave

Just as I was beginning to get tired of the overly luxurious food at the dinner party and was getting a little drowsy, the nobles from farther away began leaving as well. While waiting for Earl Terejia who was still surrounded by nobles, Kamil, Claudia, and I remained in the corner and poked at what remained of the food. Although we had free time, we weren't bored. There were so many nobles here that I've never met before. While observing their elegance, I learned who each of them were, as this was absolutely necessary in order for me to seriously enter their society later in the future.

And so while I was quietly sipping my tea, Kamil suddenly froze up.

"What's the matter?"

"Margrave Molton is coming over this way."

He said so in almost a whisper as he kept his line of sight fixed on the margrave, and indeed Margrave Molton who had just been talking calmly with the other nobles from the royal capital was now walking leisurely in this direction. He was also looking at us, and our eyes met as if he had nothing to hide.

As expected, he was smiling without seeming to have any bad intentions. Without any hesitation, he came to our location, and he encouraged the shorter man following behind him to step in front.

I remembered the face of this man who seemed slightly troubled. He was introduced to me at my birthday party by Earl Terejia as a senior viscount who was a secretary at the royal palace.

"How do you do, Viscountess Kaldia?"

"Greetings and how do you do, Viscount Gribell. Thank you very much for having taken the trouble to attend my birthday celebration."

"No, it was my pleasure."

As he nodded, the viscount's expression seemed like he was seeing something strange. I wonder if it's because I'm not talking like a child. Since it's been so long since I was actually a child, even though I have some idea of what it's like, it's difficult for me to act like one. Because it's easier than having to pretend, I've become like this now.

However, because of this, the viscount now seems to be considering how to speak to me. It would be rude if he was too direct with what he really wanted without at least making some conversation first. As a result, he missed the timing for his next sentence and silence had fallen upon the conversation for a bit.

"......At my birthday celebration, thank you very much for the grape juice. I'll have to hold off on trying the wine until I become an adult."

"Ah, it's fine. I'm glad that you were able to enjoy it."

I managed to remember back to my birthday celebration in order to continue the conversation. Viscount Gribell had given me a set of both grape juice and red wine, since many other nobles had simply given alcohol, his consideration for me still being a minor had left an impression.

Viscount Gribell had such a relieved expression when I continued the conversation. He glanced at Margrave Molton who was now behind him, then spoke up again.

"Since it was from the Freche region, I felt that you'd enjoy it. My younger brother is currently serving Earl Garlof as a squire."

"When you say Earl Garlof......"

"Junior Earl Robert Garlof is Margrave Freche's younger brother. When my older brother was in school, he got to know Margrave Freche, which is why my younger brother got to serve Earl Garlof as an apprentice page, and now he's become a squire."

"I see, how fortunate for him."

"Yes, yes. School is the perfect place for fated meetings. After all, studying together for three years, can cultivate deeper relationships. ......Ah, come to think of it. Viscountess Kaldia, I'd like to introduce my friend from school to you."

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