Chapter 9 - I received a horse

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With the coming of spring, it's become a bit busier here at the Mansion of Golden Hills. It's going to be my first birthday celebration in four years.

In the Axia Kingdom, one's birthday is supposed to be celebrated only during three certain times a year. After the fields are planted in the spring, during the next full moon after a religious holiday in the summer, or after the autumn harvest. Since I had been born during the end of winter, my birthday would be celebrated after the fields were planted in spring.

Although in my previous life I didn't really care about birthdays one way or the other, since the lord's birthday is supposed to be celebrated by the entire domain, or simply speaking, it's supposed to be an event to please the people in my domain. Under the pretext of celebrating, it's also a way to hand out food, wine, and candy to my people.

So that the people have their fun, it's going to continue for an entire three days, and even though it's rather bothersome to me, as the leading role I have to pretend to enjoy it.

It seems that Earl Terejia is preparing most of my birthday celebration. Recently, I've had more opportunities to see him working up close. I'm actually wondering if it should be considered abuse of the elderly because I can't help with the work yet. I would be very troubled if he dies from overwork now......

In the first place, after he came here and became my regent, he's worked so hard for the sake of stabilizing my domain in order to pass on to me later. I wondered if it was really necessary to work so hard to the extent of wearing out his body. I know that he's a bit mercenary and calculating, but no matter what, Earl Terejia has been a great help in rebuilding and reviving the Cardia domain for me. I really wouldn't know what to do if he were to be crushed under his workload.

Having said that, I don't have the ability to take over his job just yet, nor is there anyone else that can assist him, so all I can do for now is cheer him on, meaning other than obediently receiving the education he prepares for me, I have nothing else I can do.

As for the education he's gifted me, the thing that stands out the most is equestrianism. Recently on the continent, strategies revolving around the use of cavalry have been evolving rapidly. Warhorses specially prepared for military use have been improved as well, it's because of the recent invention of the easy to use leather stirrup becoming widespread. Large scale infantry combat tactics have been established since seven hundred years ago, while riding a horse was originally allowed to only military commanders, the nobles have begun to study cavalry tactics and incorporate cavalry soldiers in order to improve their armies.

By the way, it seems that battles up until seven hundred years ago used to be leaderless groups of people battling other leaderless groups of people to the death. What's more, the icing on the cake is that the first recorded army in history had been organized over two thousand years ago by the ancient King Iruhan of Inyatolisk.

Inyatolisk had been destroyed long before an actual organized military system became widespread seven hundred years ago, when the Ar Kusha Holy Kingdom invented a chain of command system for the sake of national defense which replaced the leaderless mob battles that had been common up until then.

Well, enough gossip.

Since the Axia Kingdom specializes in defensive war, that's why the kingdom's policy is to avoid war.

To begin with, the sea is to the north and west of Axia, the southwest has the Amon Karan Mountains and the northeast has the Amon Nor Mountains that have become our national borders, so of course there would be little need for cavalry troops in the army. The current situation here in the southeastern part of Axia, is that the Yugfena royal domain, Earl Genas' border domain, Earl Ruktoferd's domain, and Earl Freche's domains are the only ones that have small cavalry troops. For various reasons, it seems that the House of Lords has been planning the expansion of armaments in the Yugfena region.

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