Chapter 34

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I sat down in the back of the tent on a cushion, and the soldiers gathered around me and sat down in a circle, cross-legged in western style. We left the tent flaps half open, so that the air wouldn't get too stuffy. I stirred the cup of water that Claudia sitting next to me offered.

Across from Claudia was Gunther, and next to him was the soldier named Agil, and they had tense expressions on their faces.

By Claudia's side were some men and women in dirty clothes, looking at us nervously with extremely unsettled expressions. They seem to be the leaders of Cyril village's militia. There's not enough men in this domain, even women have to be part of the militia.

Sitting down in the innermost part of the tent was Cyril village's mayor, he was looking at me with a frightened expression. Due to the incident in this village before with the orphan girl, I see that the fear instilled in him for having him and his daughter flogged in front of the other villagers hasn't faded.

Sitting down in a place farthest from the center, was the boy novice soldier from before, looking around in puzzlement. It seems that his name is Paulo, and after being ordered by Claudia to collect information, he's returned really quickly.

"Paulo, report on the monster that the villagers saw."

"Y, yes!"

As expected, he wasn't used to these sorts of gatherings, and Paulo replied with a high-pitched voice filled with nervousness. He met Gunther's sharp gaze and squeaked a little, then swallowed his saliva several times to collect himself.

"According to the villagers, while patrolling to guard against the fire moths, in the forest just north of the village, they seem to have seen a large creature they've never seen before that look similar to a gigantic rizer earth lizard. Because it seems to prey on sheep, it could be damaging to the village if we just leave it alone."

A carnivorous gigantic lizard, eh. ......Indeed, it doesn't sound like we can just let it be. It's been discovered too close to the village. It's right next to the patrol route for guarding against the fire moths.

And if it really turns out to be magical beasts, I'll take measures against it described in the book on magical beasts.

"Do you have a more detailed description of the monster?"

"Yes. It's different from the earth lizard, instead of scales, it seems to be covered in some sort of crystal resembling rock and ice."

Then he went on to describe the more detailed features, and all I could imagine was a true monster. Since it snows year round at the Amon Nor Mountains close to here, there's many monsters with ice magic, so it's quite likely that it's some sort of gigantic ice lizard. Once again, I was faced with the fact that there were actual monsters within my domain.

"It's probably an ice lizard known as a Radoshishiruka. It's a type of magical beast with the magic to freeze anything it touches with its claws."

"Mmm, it'll be nice if we can catch one and preserve its meat for summer supplies."

Gunther made a joke, but unfortunately it didn't go over too well.

"No, we can't. Ice lizard claws contain poison, which will also attack whatever they freeze. We'll have to get rid of it before it attacks the village."

I concluded that the monster sighted in the forest was an ice lizard, and the village's militia was to surround the forest with torches of fire. Ice lizards are weak against fire, and hate the heat. It's very strange that such a creature would come down from the snowy mountains during the summer, but after all it's difficult to understand the abnormal monster behavior during their active periods.

I Reincarnated as a Noble Girl Villainess But Why Did It Turn Out This Way?Where stories live. Discover now