Chapter 13 - Life's hard mode

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You probably haven't even thought about the possibility of getting killed, right?"

I grabbed the child's hair and pressed it into the ground much like I would with an insect. After pulling away the hair and exposing the throat, I pressed the point of the blade against it.

The child gulped down a breath. Even so the child kept glaring resolutely, how courageous for a child this age.

"According to the words of the shrine maiden Xia Fema, sinners must be made to atone for their crimes with the appropriate punishment, in order to cleanse the soul of impurities. Then, how about if I immediately give you the death penalty here?"

"......If you're going to kill me, stop acting so pompous and hurry up with it already. Something like that, would have been nothing at all to your mom!"

Although the sentiment is admirable that the child was still so spirited while barking at me, it's foolish.

"- Put this child in the basement dungeons. It would be bad to spill blood during the festival."

I returned the dagger to Kamil, and left the child's line of sight. The child was somewhat clever and impertinent, but I know well now that this person's just a simple child. Yes, and on the surface Kamil seemed obedient and respectfully lowered his head, and with his instructions the soldiers began tying the child up with rope.

"What's this! In the end, you couldn't even kill me!"

While twisting around and trying to escape from the soldiers, the child was still shouting. I ignored all of it, and called out to Kamil again.

"Haul fifteen people from the village that have some relation to this child to the mansion. It's fine even if they are children."


"Wh...... What! The villagers have nothing to do with this!"

The child suddenly went berserk in a frenzy, and I laughed inside. Once again I ignored it, and I indicated to the soldiers that they should carry it out immediately. Before long, I could no longer hear the child's voice due to a cloth gag.

"......What do you intend to do with that child? Charlie."

Kamil held out his arm without me having to say anything, but maybe it's because he's interested or something, he asked me that with an emotion I couldn't quite identify in his voice.

"I don't know the answer to that question yet, since I haven't decided upon it myself. For the time being, I'll talk about it with the earl first. We can't have the original plans for the birthday celebration get even more off track."

While being supported by Kamil, I headed for the earl who was only a little off in the distance from us.

The soldiers' bodies seemed to be rather rigid, as I took his hand. After witnessing my exchange where I confronted the child, staring directly into the eyes, sharp gazes were aimed at me. They seemed to be somewhat frightened and on guard against me. Perhaps in their hearts they've gotten farther away from me again.

However, this would have been necessary someday. I can't always be seen by them as a child that they can be overly familiar with. I'm not a child that they can get emotionally attached to, it's necessary to make them recognize and admit me as their lord that's supposed to be their leader.

......Since it seems rather difficult, I'm getting a little depressed. I've gotten carried away by the mood, I wonder if this is fortunate or unfortunate.

The sun indicated that it's now sometime in the afternoon. We've finally returned to the mansion, and the soldiers' eyes were shining at the feast that had been prepared for them. The first day of my birthday celebration is supposed to be for the people. The afternoon had been marching around the villages, providing the people with food and drink, for the sake of the villagers. At night, to thank the soldiers for their efforts, there would be a banquet at the mansion.

I Reincarnated as a Noble Girl Villainess But Why Did It Turn Out This Way?Where stories live. Discover now