Chapter 20 - An afternoon of being drained by fatigue

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Chapter 20 – An afternoon of being drained by fatigue

All eyes were suddenly focused on me. My heart was beating annoyingly fast to the point of being painful.

"......What's this?"

The first voice that spoke up was from Marquis Rittergau. He didn't hide the harsh tone of his voice. His attitude seemed so threatening, but I had to deal with my own fear.

"If it should be necessary, then my Kaldia domain can accept the refugees, as I just said."

I said it even more directly than earlier. After all, it would be Kaldia that's the most likely to be forced to accept them anyways. If I said that we'd accept them ahead of time, then I can get more favorable terms.

Marquis Rittergau didn't respond, and only looked at me in anticipation. I felt stifled by the pressure, and heavy silence fell again.

I counted to well above ten in my mind. During this entire time, Marquis Rittergau and I stared fixedly at each other. – And then, finally, the low whisper of the nobles stirred the air of the conference hall.

"- We should return to the main agenda now."

"Y, yes. Well then, Viscountess Kaldia has nominated herself as a candidate for accepting the refugees......"

With my speaking up at that timing, it seems to have beneficial for moving things along in the House of Lords. There had been almost no chance of any of the inland domains accepting the refugees, and I had put forth a practical proposal.

Although the northern nobles complained of concerns about Rindarl again, they were silenced by the priests talking about how the kingdom was founded with the precepts of accepting everyone in the Xia religious sects and the uproar it would cause if we didn't take in the refugees. In the first place, the Densel Dukedom had already virtually been Arxia's enemy already, so going to war with them wouldn't be that big of a surprise to our kingdom.

The border domain lords had already started a little on making military preparations, and at this rate the southeastern domain lords will probably go on full military alert status and receive the others' cooperation.

"Well then, starting next month, the Artolas refugees shall be moved to Viscountess Kaldia's domain in groups of fifty. Food supplies shall be provided by the Henznaut domain as well as the various lords in the Greenfield region, Margrave Genas shall provide twenty tents, and any more necessary shall be loaned by Earl Freche's domain, Earl Ruktoferd's domain, and the Royal Army. We'll be counting on everyone."

In the end, other than the northern domains, most of the closer domains agreed to give some kind of support for the refugees. On top of that, quite a large amount of funds would be provided for us from the national treasury as well as the church.

The southeastern nobles, mostly the inland nobles among them, since this would probably stimulate their own economies, had rather cheerful expressions, but in return the northern nobles who were outnumbered and had lost their cause were glaring at them resentfully. It'll be better if this wound isn't too deep and we can all cooperate later, is what I hoped.

"Did the House of Lords meeting go well, Riliza-dono?"

"It's Eliza, Claudia-dono......"

Even though I was so exhausted after returning from the House of Lords, the first voice that greeted me upon returning was so carefree, someone with an unbelievable energetic voice. Outside the door of Earl Terejia's accommodations in the royal capital, this girl was spinning a spear about cheerfully. She was a real beauty, and her long golden hair was sparkling in the sunlight.

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