Chapter 26 - A rainy day

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Chapter 26 – A rainy day

"Have Claudia join your domain's army?"

"Yes, rather than always being a freeloading house guest, have her join the army as a way of repaying my favor, and become my bodyguard. What do you think?"

The weather had changed this morning, and right now it's raining heavily. Despite the Kaldia domain being water rich, it doesn't rain that often. As the rain made tapping sounds against the windows of the domain lord's office, Earl Terejia blinked several times at my sudden proposal.

"......Once a little more time had passed and you'd gotten to known each other better, I was going to suggest something like that as well."

"Then I believe, we can send Kamil east for developing the lands there?"

If Claudia becomes my bodyguard, then I can move around Kamil who's been my bodyguard up until now. Moving Kamil at this timing, it's convenient because someone will be needed to take charge of constructing the village for the refugees. With an understanding of cultures other than Arxia's and the ability to get along with others easily, Kamil who should have Earl Terejia's complete trust would be the perfect person to take charge of constructing the village. Since I wouldn't have a personal bodyguard if I send him off somewhere else, I plan to have Claudia take his place.

Earl Terejia nodded repeatedly, and agreed as I expected.

"Claudia-dono's already hanging out at the barracks quite often. For the soldiers as well that had seemed a little down at my birthday celebration, having Claudia officially join them would probably raise their spirits."

There were many soldiers that were deeply impressed with Claudia's prowess with a spear. In the first place, the soldiers in my domain have a bit of an attitude of respecting the strong. That's why there were no complaints about the young Gunther being an officer above the older veterans.

And since most of them had been former bandits, Gunther included, they have very little resistance against women. There had been many women amongst the bandits, it seems there had been people following some strong women as well in the bandit group where the strong ruled.

If I'm not mistaken, Claudia will definitely be helpful for me controlling my domain's army.

"I want to allow the refugees currently suffering outside Fort Jugfena to be able to become citizens of my domain as soon as possible. I would have no objections to having Claudia become my bodyguard and sending Kamil to be in charge. If it's Kamil, with his skills, he would definitely be able to oversee it successfully."


As I summed up my thoughts on the matter, for some reason the earl suddenly seemed a bit confused. As if to peek into my mind, Earl Terejia's black pupils looked directly into my eyes. I felt as if he could see straight into my heart, and avoided his gaze by looking at the window, while Earl Terejia shut his eyes, and seemed to be thinking about something for a while.

"......Nothing. Mmm, you're right. I'll immediately have a word with Claudia, and instruct Kamil to take charge of constructing the village."

"Very well then. I'll go and call Claudia-dono right now."

I bowed, and exited the office. From behind me, I could hear him saying "you don't look well, you should get some rest after this." I know that more than well about myself. After all, my stomach and head have been aching since this morning, and if I'm not careful I feel like I could throw up at any moment.

Even Claudia was actually staying inside quietly on a day such as this when it's raining so heavily, so I visited the room given to her, and she greeted me back in a voice that seemed to be much lower tension than usual.

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