Chapter 21 - Elise's letter

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Chapter 21-Elise's Letter

"Eh, we're staying here in the royal capital until tomorrow?"

"Yes. Tomorrow, I'm to attend a tea party and meet some nobles to make connections. After all, we couldn't even greet anyone at the House of Lords."

"So that's it. Then, I'll wait for you guys here tomorrow."

"No, you're attending as well. You'll be accompanying me as my retainer, is what the earl said."

We were staying at the earl's place, and we just finished a luxurious dinner served for the master of the house that had just returned after a long absence. Since Kamil didn't have noble status himself, he hadn't attended the meeting at the House of Lords earlier, and I had just informed him of our change in plans for tomorrow.

The two of us had remained in the dining hall after dinner to talk, while drinking the tea that the maids had brewed for me. With the influx of refugees and the incident of Viscount Galbaito's death, there were so many things that had to be done, I finally felt like I could relax a little bit for now.

"So, this means that the earl is seriously trying to make me into Charlie's retainer, right?"

"What are you saying, at this late hour. It was probably decided from the time that you accompanied me at my birthday celebration."

Kamil tilted his head slightly as if he had just realized it, but I was shocked at how late he seems to have recognized it himself. My birthday celebration wasn't about unveiling me only, but also showing who was going to become my vassal in the future.

"—. Mmm...... that's so. Sorry, it's nothing."

Kamil slowly shook his head. It was as if he was trying to rid himself of his thoughts. "I'm sorry to have said something strange," said Kamil as he smiled, it felt like there was a mix of feelings, and for some reason my voice got stuck in my throat.

"Kamil -"

"Excuse me! Eija-dono, I've brought your letter!"

The words that I was about to say were interrupted by a certain someone rudely rushing into the dining hall without even knocking. Even though it's after eating, Claudia was like a typhoon and showed no decrease in her energy level at all, and she had charged straight into the dining hall. And what's more, this time, she's gotten my name completely off the mark.

"C, Claudia-dono?"

"I'm so sorry! Elise-dono's letter that she entrusted me with, I forgot about it until now!"

She headed straight for me and held out an envelope right in front of my face, and she rushed so fast that she ran right into the chair's backrest. It's good that there had been a cushion, but if this had been a normal chair, it surely would have left quite a bump.

"T, thanks......"

"No, no, I'm being taken care of by you now, so something like this is nothing to me!"

You're declaring that this is nothing, but no matter how I look at it, it's impossible for covering two days worth of distance on horseback by yourself all in order to deliver a letter to be considered "no big deal." As expected, I don't understand this girl.

As I received the letter, I could clearly feel my cheek twitching again. – At that moment, I suddenly recalled a phrase from my previous life. That's right, her sort of action is known as "ruining the mood."

Kamil next to me had fallen into stunned silence at the sudden intruder. Oh yeah, come to think of it Kamil hasn't talked much with Claudia before, and he probably didn't even know that she was already here today. Uwaa...... I had no room in my heart for squealing like that.

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