Chapter 16 - What I learned after my social debut

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Chapter 16 – What I learned after my social debut

It's the third and final day of my birthday celebration. In the halls that were normally empty, and the garden were quite a few people I didn't know. They were nobles from neighboring domains, and various nobles connected to Earl Terejia in some way. Although I know their names, it's my first time meeting them.

I killed my family at an early age, and I hadn't even gone out from the area under direct control until the day before yesterday, so I had no way of getting acquainted with other nobles. Having so many people gather here in the mansion, it's the first time that I can recall.

From my second floor window, I could see a deluge of various colors. Since I'm still a minor, the earl is taking care of greeting all the guests. The invited guests were waiting in the garden.

"That young man over there is Viscount Henznaut's only son. And, the person next to him in green formal knight attire is one of Earl Genas's sons."

"They're about at the age of graduating from school. If it continues to remain peaceful, it'll be beneficial for us to have good relations with them in the future."

Kamil stood next to me and helped me by providing information on the neighboring domains' nobles, since he had served as the earl's guard before during visits to other domains, he recognized them.

The nobles from the royal capital were mostly lower-ranked nobles and nobles without their own lands, and having their children accompany them might be normal, but the smaller border domains' nobles often had commoners accompanying them instead. As a respectable noble from the royal capital, Earl Terejia who had a history of serving in the royal palace, whenever he visited neighboring domains, just like how he would have lower-ranking nobles serving him in the royal capital, he would bring servants along with him.

And, because there weren't all that many chances to visit the neighboring domains, it's really convenient how Kamil had gotten to go along with the earl every time.

Since it was plainly obvious, no matter how dumb Kamil was, since he was my retainer, the earl must have been trying to train Kamil and give him some experience. Today he's left Kamil by my side as well, which was probably something done on purpose.

And so, while looking at the nobles from the window, the earl's servant Bellway suddenly came up the stairs. This man is capable of appearing unexpectedly at random. I wonder if it's a requirement to be able to walk extremely fast as the earl's secretary.

"Eliza-sama, it seems that everyone has arrived."

"Got it. I'll be there soon. Kamil, get Rashiok."

"Yes, Eliza-sama."

In front of Bellway, Kamil didn't have his usual attitude, and I left him in charge of leading Rashiok. An extravagant mantle cascaded down from his shoulders.

Today, just like always, I was wearing formal knight attire, and today's was less casual and more formal than usual. The only slightly informal part was my longcoat. However, my mantle was heavier than usual, and annoyingly, I would become winded if I moved my upper body too much, but there was no helping it. It would have been better if I could ride a horse like on the first day of my birthday celebration, when I had to walk, I suddenly felt my vexation increasing. I reflexively raised my right elbow to try and alleviate some of the weight, but Bellway softly chided me, saying "bear with it, it's only for today."

"Formal ceremonial wear is really so heavy."

"It's actually lighter than a dress. It's because the undergarments are heavier."

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