Chapter 1: School? Boring!

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Astrid Skyla Jackson

I ran through a thick forest in my beautiful black wolf. Gracefully, she jumped over fallen trees and dead branches. My mind drifted off as we continued to run through the forrest, towards our destination. All my life, I've been trained to be as strong as an Alpha. I've been taught about so many places and been to more. But.. the one thing that was always out of my reach, was my own freedom.

Freedom is something I hold most precious, something I've never really had, never truly experienced.

Yes, I live as a rouge. But that doesn't mean my father doesn't send other demons to check up on me. My father said, I would have to be 'homeschooled' if he couldn't enrol me into a school on no mans land, which I agreed too. He hasn't been successful until now, he enrolled me to Finnegan High, a huge high school located just on the edge of a packs territory. Not exactly on No mans land, but was close enough apparently. 

-1 hour later-

It's around 7:30am now and I'm at the school gates looking towards the high school. I sigh to myself, knowing school is actually shit and I really shouldn't be here, but what can I do?

Eventually, I walk through the gates and into the front part of the high school. I felt my wolf get jumpy as we walked around on pack territory. I walked into the school building, looking for the front office. My eyes skim signs and doors, looking for something that might indicate where the hell I should be going. I mentally did a little happy dance as my eyes landed on a sign, saying 'front office'.

Why do they call it front office? It's at the back of the fricken school.. Or maybe I've just come in the back way.. I went up to the lady at the desk and noticed that she is doing her nails.

"Hi, can I have a time table?" I asked at nicely as I could, looking at her with a fake smile. The woman looked up at me with an annoyed expression. 

"Name?" She asked, looking down at the computer in front of her. I rolled my eyes. 

"Astrid Jackson." She typed my name into her computer and printed out what must've been my timetable. 

"Thanks." I snapped at her and walked out. Disrespectful bitch. I walked out of the office and along the noisy hall ways, filled with other teenagers around my age. I kept my head up high as I walked into my first class. Mostly everyone in this class was Werewolf, but there were 4 or 5 little humans sitting in the middle rows. As I walked to the back of the room, I noticed the glares I was receiving from the werewolves. I guess there's no secret as to why. 

'They can smell our power and they don't like it, since we're rouges.' Autumn said, observing everyone's glares as I walked past them.

'Anyone in a high rank in here?' I asked my wolf, River. Rolling my eyes at Autumn. 

'No, there's a gamma but that's all I can sense for now.' She replied quietly, not liking the looks from everyone. I continued to walk to the back of the room, now ignoring the hatful glares and sat down in the back row. After a minute of getting comfortable, the morning bell rang and everyone scrambled into the classroom or their seats as the teacher walked in behind them all.

"Morning everyone, before we get started, I would like to announce that we have a new student," The teacher announced in a loud voice, gesturing to me as he finished his sentence.

"Please come up here and say and write your name on the whiteboard." The teacher said, gesturing to the board behind him as he shuffled through his bag. I groaned loudly, got up out of my cold seat and walked over to the whiteboard. Lazily, I picked up the black marker and started writing my name; Astrid Skyla Jackson.

"Hi my names Astrid, I'm 17 years old and I hate everyone." I say, looking around at everyone with my eyebrows raised. Giving an extremely sarcastic smile to top off my look. Some of the students started laughing, their glares slowly fading away.

"I'll let that slide since your new Miss Jackson, but don't do it again. I'm Mr Dean." he told me. I just nodded in response and went back to my seat.

We were about ten minutes into the lesson, learning something about English, when a group of boys walk in. Laughing and joking loudly to one another, not a care in the world. As I rolled my eyes, I took a deep breath in and got a whiff of something heavenly, which caught me completely off guard. I looked up from my work I was pretending to do and saw a group of werewolves looking at me, one of them talking to the teacher. The heavenly smell had disappeared as quickly as it had came. Suddenly, one boy pushes through the group and too the front. He looked at the teacher and starts explaining why they're late, interrupting the other guy. Now let me be the first to say, this guy was a total hottie. I breathed in deeply and smelt the attractive smell again, but only faintly.

'Mmmm what's that smell?' River chirped, becoming more restless than before. I frowned, not knowing what it was either. 

'Be careful, in that group of boys there are two normal wolves, but the other two are an Alpha and a Beta.' Autumn warned, I subconsciously nodded in reply And eyed the group.

"Alright boys, go sit down." said Mr Dean, snapping me out of my thoughts and conversation with my devil and wolf. As soon as the hottie at the front turned around, we caught each other's eye and for a split second, it was like the whole word froze. It was just him and I. Butterflies erupted from my stomach and goosebumps spread across my pale skin. I couldn't will myself to pull my eyes away from his.

'MATE.' screamed River, over and over again. My head started pounding from her screaming.

"Mate." whispered the hottie, barely loud enough for any human to hear.

"Shit." I whispered to myself, looking down at the notepad in from of me. My heart started racing 100 miles an hour. I covered my face with my free hand and with the other, I started pretending not to notice my newly found mate. I heard feet moving and someone sit next to me and by the smell of it, it was my mate. The teacher had already started rambling on about English stuff that I already know. My Mate soon passed me a note saying: 'Hey, Name?'

I ignored his little notes for the rest of class. 'Don't build a connection.' Autumn said to me sternly, but I could feel my wolfs happiness spread throughout my body. No matter how much I tried to block it out, I wanted this feeling to grow.

-Half way through the lesson-

I had zoned out a while ago, ignoring my mates notes and thinking about this class. This English teacher is still teaching us stuff I already know. 

"I already know this shit." I said a little to loudly, rolling my eyes...

"What was that Miss Jackson?" The teacher asked, a frown appearing on his forehead as he turned to face me from the front of the class. Whoops, he's a wolf, I forgot.

"Oh, I already know all this shit and I'm basically falling asleep here." I said honestly, shrugging my shoulders. What a great opportunity to get out of class. 

"Well, since you 'know' all this, you can name the person who quoted this and go straight to detention." he said angrily, looking at me. I laughed and shook my head. Stupid teacher. I got up, making sure not to touch my mate, wrote down the correct name and left with out a second glance behind me.

edited: 24/1/2018

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