Chapter 17: Papa... Two?

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Just in case up you guys get confusion as your reading, the twins are about a year and a half old, so they can talk well, you know?
Okay, enjoy the chappie! :)

Astrid Skyla Jackson

I mentally slapped myself. I mean, how could I be so stupid?! Of course becoming famous wouldn't help me stay hidden, I was to caught up in revenge and jealousy to even think about them..

What if they go after Tristan and Raven...? What the fuck am I going to do?!? This is all my fault and I'm the only one to blame. I started to have a panic attack, but then was calmed by my oh so lovely wolf.

'You're such a worry wart. Calm down and shut up, we've got a big day tomorrow and you need to rest.' she growled. I sighed and turned my light out, putting the note on my bedside table and closing my eyes, drifting off into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up early the next morning, to hear the soft coughing of Raven, I groaned at the time and got up, walking sleepily into the twins room, taking the coughing Raven out of her crib and out into the lounge room. I held her as we both sat in the couch, properly waking up.

"Mummy?" She asked, after a while.

"yes baby girl."

"do you love daddy?" She asked in a baby voice. I stiffened, the truth is, I don't love him and I haven't for a very long time.

"I did once, baby girl, but mummy and daddy fell out of love." I said, giving her a small smile.

"Well, I think I love you." she said, frowning.

I laughed, "you think so, do you?" I said laughing, she nodded and started laughing with me. Then the coughing started again. Once her coughing stopped, I sat her down on the floor and went into the kitchen, she quickly got up and followed.

"What do you want for breakfast baby?" I asked, looking in the cupboard.

"Bread that you put in the hot thing." she said, pointing at the toaster.

"you mean toast?" I asked, she nodded, smiling a cheeky grin.


Once Tristan was up, I made him some toast as well and sat at the table with him while ate it, along with Raven, who was colouring.

"What's your two favourite colours?" Raven asked, looking up at Tristan.

"Lellow and blue." he said, with food in his mouth, Raven nodded and picked up the yellow pencil and started colouring in what she had drawn.

"what's yours Raven?" I asked, she looked up again, but this time at me.

"black and purple." she said simply going back to her colouring, I frowned at her response.

"what about pink?" as soon as I asked, Raven scrunched up her nose and shook her head in disgust.

"ewwww! Pink is ewwww!" She screamed, Tristan laughed, agreeing with her.


I had spent a majority of the morning bonding with both my babies, watching them colour in the living room. They both get along so well, just like I hoped they would. They were like two peas in a pod and it was absolutely adorable. 

I walked out of the lounge room, leaving the twins with colouring texters and pencils, with the TV on. I started to walk up to Kane's room. Once I got to us door, I knocked.

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