Chapter 11: How could you?!

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Astrid Skyla Jackson

It has been a week since Ryder and I had mated, yes we were drunk. Oh well, it wasn't my fault or anyone's really. It just happened.

This week I have been throwing up and trust me, I have my suspicions. Although since we mated, Ryder has been distant and doing more and more pack work... I don't know but I've been having these pains in my back, I blame it on the... MAYBE... Pregnancy.

So here I am, waiting for the result of the pregnancy test, I haven't even told anyone that im taking it.

After a minute or two of telling myself it was probably negative and that there is nothing to be worried about, it beeped... telling me it had a result.

On the pregnancy stick, it showed two lines, I quickly grabbed the box it came in from the floor and looked at the guidelines. One line means false, two means positive

Positive... positive.

"Fuck." I whispered, I walked out the bathroom and headed up to Ryder's office, he said to me earlier that he had pack work to do...

A burning pain formed in my back, making me wince, but  ignored it and kept walking to my mates office. As I got there, I walked up to his office and I didn't bother to knock on the door since he's not in a meeting or anything.

I walked in and couldn't believe what is happening... He was eating the face off this blond bitch, while thrusting into her... the same damn bitch who said he would cheat on me with. My heart was racing in my chest, my anger boiling. I held onto the door knob, so tight, I felt it change its shape to fit my hand, my mate suddenly looked up and saw me, his eyes showing regret instantly.

Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes, but I whipped them away, "there's nothing I can say and there nothing you can do. I understand completely." I said, in an unstable voice, one tear rolling down my cheek. I lifted up my hand and looked at the pregnancy test and then I looked back up at him, his ashamed face, sadness written all over it. I threw the pregnancy test on the floor, I turned around to walk out then stopped before I shut the door.

"I'm keeping it!" I shouted, before walking out.

Ryder Tomas Sheridan
(before Astrid came in)

I'm in my office, working on some pack stuff when I hear the door open. I look to see Ashly walking over, trying to be suductive.

"Hey, hey hot stuff." she said, biting her lip. I smirked and stopped what I was doing.

"Hey." I said huskily, I stood up walked over to her and started making out with her. Truth be told, once a player, always a player.

In the beginning, I saw Astrid as a challenge, I didn't want a mate, but I just kept that part to myself. When we mated, I made sure that she was drunk. I wasn't obviously, I wanted to remember that night, I wanted to remember overcoming my hardest challenge. I mated her and now, she's like every other girl. Just Boring.

I heard the door open, I looked up and saw Astrid... My wolf whined, she looked at me strait in the eyes. My wolf start cursing and insulting me in every way possible, telling me, I'm worthless, cruel, selfish, etc.

She wiped her eyes and said in a shaky voice, "there nothing I can say and there's nothing you can do, I understand completely." a tear rolled down her cheek, she looked at something in her hands then threw it on the floor, then she turned to exit, but before she did she stopped.

"I'm keeping it" she said, her voice stronger than before. Then, She walked away, not looking back. I slowly walked over to the object on the floor. It was a pregnancy test, it said, positive 1 - 2 weeks.

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