Chapter 10: What happened?

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Astrid Skyla Jackson

Once I found out about my powers, I started training more and more, in wolf from and in human form, practicing the elements.

Over the weeks that flew by, I have gotten control water and earth, those two are really easy, but for water and air, not so easy... Ryder just thinks it's my temper that makes fire and earth come easily... Could be right...

It's been almost two months since the visions and I've been distant... Yes I do talk to Ryder, but other then that, no one.

Today is going to be my first day back at school.

"Why do I need to go again Ryder?" I asked, frowning at my mate.

"so people don't think your a dumb ass." he said, smiling at me.

"well... At least I won't be the only one then. " I said, mimicking his smile. He looked at me shaking his head...

"You really are the devils daughter." he taking my hand and walking out.


I took my usual seat at the back. The group of sluts came in, tried to get attention from anyone who'd give them some, but failed. It was hilarious! It really was, by the time they hand given up, everyone could hear them bitching about it to each other.

The teacher the walked in and introduced himself to the class and explained how he was happy to see new and old faces, how this was going to be a great year and all the other bullshit.

His little welcoming speech must have gone for the whole lesson, because I soon heard the recess bell go off, signalling break had finally come around. During the break, I mainly stayed with Ryder and his friends. Who were absolutely hilarious.

-After School-

Once we got home, I did the little bit of homework I was given and then decided to go have some fun, I got ready in some clubbing clothes, aka slutty clothes and went down stairs, where Ryder was standing at the bottom, watching me with gold, lustful eyes.

"What are you wearing?" Asked Ryder, his already gold coloured eyes, turning a deeper colour as he continued to study my little outfit.

"I'm going out, wanna come?" I asked, suductivly, reaching out and trailing my finger tips down his chest. He quickly nodded and smirked at me, grabbing ahold of my hand before it reached his... lower region.

"Call some friends, then well have an awesome time." I said, walking out the door.

-Club X-

When, Tyler, Samantha, Riley, Alice, Ryder and I finally got to the club, we got a table and drinks and started laughing and talking and as the night got older, we danced got drunk, made out, played spin the bottle... Mate version and that was it... For them... But for Ryder and I... our night played outa lot differently to everyone else's.

First - We got drunk

Second - Danced for ages

Third - Made out

Fourth - I can't remember

From half way through the third and the whole of the fourth activity we did, I couldn't remember a thing. Parts were blurred and all the memories that would help make the blurred parts make sense did exist in my brain.

I slowly opened my eyes and woke up in a random bedroom, in a random club, with a massive hangover. What the fuck happened last night? Augh! I feel so sore, my whole body ached. After blinking a couple times, I looked down and noticed I wasn't wearing clothes... my heart started to race as I looked to my right. To my relief my mate was lying next to me, with no clothes on either. I put two and two together and nearly fell off the bed. I ran to the bathroom and quickly looked at my neck, ignoring the many purple hickeys and searching my neck for his mark. After a minute of not finding one, I gave up, even more relieved, at least we're not practically bound to each other's hip yet...

I felt out mate bond wasn't very strong... Yet. Due to not being marked. I guess the affects of Ryder marking me will intensify because we have already mated.

After another minute, I walked out of the bathroom, with a towel on, and into the room we were staying in. I noticed my mate, Ryder, was awake and in very deep thought.

"So, do you remember anything from last night?" I asked, chuckling a little bit, he looked at me.

"No, I don't..." Said Ryder, carefully. Then he zoned out again. I sighed and decided to get dressed.

I looked at Ryder, who still was on the bed thinking, my heart fluttered a little as I took a little time to shamelessly let my eyes roam over my mates body. Although, he didn't even noticed that! I felt my wolf get a little angry by this.

"Okay, First of all, what ever the fuck your thinking about stop it. Secondly, you might of already guessed, he mated last night. Let's just move on okay? no need to have a debate in your head about it." I said, what with me today? I sound really bitchy.

He nodded and started getting dressed... not even bothering to argue back. No, I didn't watch him get dressed either, I'm not a perv. But I still couldn't believe we had mated, why?!

Yes, I know, the chapter could be better, but, this one is just a stepping stone into what's about to happen.... It's gonna be good! I'll surprise you next chapter, okay! You'll see!

Till the next exciting chapter, please




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