Chapter 20: Bomb

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(13 years later)

a/n -- sorry for the long time jump. Raven and Tristan are now 15.
Astrid is now 30 and Elliot is 34.
They had two more children, called Alexa, who is the youngest, she is 3 years old and the other Jason, who is 13 years old.
Btw thank you chocoloca12 for the name Alexa.
Not edited.

Astrid Skyla Jackson

It has been 13 years since Raven was taken. Elliot and I have done our best to not break down and to move on. My wolf, still morns for her lost pup, everyday but I know she isn't dead, I still feel the bond between us and I miss her so much.

Of course, I have told Tristan about his twin sister, he had a right to know. I told him about how she loved and respected him as a brother, what she looked like and how she acted. Tristan loves it when I tell stories and show him photos of him and her together, I feel like it's keeping her memory alive, it helps me cope, knowing it's okay to still talk about her.

Although, it pains me that Raven never got to meet Jason, who is now 13 and she never got to know about her new sister, Alexa, who is three years old and since I have had Jason and Alexa, I have made more albums, all very popular.

The rouge messages have stopped since.. Raven was taken. Although, I have become more famous, probably therefor an easier target. But as I said before, no one really bothers us, we have the usual rouges here and there but other than that, it's just normal.

I'm no longer drowning my sorrows in coke. since that day I yelled at Tristan. Elliot and I went to a councillor, a human one. Everything we said was confidential and couldn't be repeated, we left out the part that we're werewolves, but not about Raven. The councillor helped us get through it, helped me be able to talk about her without breaking down and shutting everyone away.

"Mum, I'm home!" Tristan yelled, closing the front door. Snapping me out of my thoughts.

"How was your day, honey?" I asked as he put his bag on the table and started unpacking it.

"It was... Good." he said, focused on his homework.

"That's good." I smiled.

Then, Elliot walked in though the door, holding Alexa and helping Jason with his bag, I smiled and walked up to Elliot.

"And, how was your day?" I asked Jason, smiling at him.

He looked up at me, "it was really good mum!" He said, unpacking his bag, I smiled and took Alexa from Elliot, gave them both a little kiss and went into the kitchen.

"Dad when you pick me up, can Alexa stay home? It embarrassing." Jason said, I frowned and looked at Elliot.


Costa Dominic, Beta of the rouge pack.

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