Chapter 18: I told you...

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Astrid Skyla Jackson
-One month later-

Okay, a lot has happened in this past month; Elliot doubled the training sessions, we mated, and I found out I was expecting another pup... Yes I know... Perfect timing too, huh? Sarcasm intended.

Yes, I had finally told Elliot about the note I got and the one before it. He said he would train the pack members more and stuff like that. I was worried for my little twins and unborn pup. I sighed and continued cooking.

I set the table out, getting it ready for Elliot, Tristan and Ravens breakfast.

-10 minutes later-

I heard four little feet, walking down the stairs, I knew it was Tristan and Raven. "Mummy?" Raven mumbled from the foot of the stairs.

"Yes my baby?" I said looking at her, pouting.

"I had a dweam." she said, looking at her feet.

"aw, did the nasty dream give you a fright?" I asked, walking up to her, about to pick her up but she backed away.

"Yea, I did get scared mummy, but I didn't cry. I fought the ugly wolves." she said, scrunching up her nose. My heart practically stopped, at that very moment... No... I'm just jumping to conclusions. The rouges couldn't be giving her dreams like that could they?

I quickly calmed myself down and nodded at her. Going back into the kitchen and continued cooking. Listening the little kid shows, Tristan and Raven were watching in the tv. Once Elliot was up, I served breakfast.

"Raven, turn the Tv off and come wash your hands!" I yelled, helping Tristan wash his hands in the kitchen sink. After a minute I heard her small feet approaching the kitchen. She came in with a sad face.

"I wanna watch Iron man." she mumbled angrily. I shook my head and helped her wash her hands, then went out to join Elliot and Tristan and the table.


"I have news for you guys" I announced as everyone started eating.

"What is it mummy?" Asked Tristan. While chewing his food.

"Well..." I looked at Elliot, he looked back at me, wonder and excitement in his eyes. "Well.... You might be having another brother or sister." I said, Tristan and Raven's eyes lit up.

"Yayyyyyyy!" Tristan screamed, I laughed, Elliot was more than shocked and it was written all over his face.

"I'm... Im so happy... oh my god." he said, grinning from ear to ear.

"So am I" I said, kissing him in the cheek. Breakfast then consisted of talking about baby names and if having a little brother or sister is better.

-That Night-

I lied down on bed, rubbing my stomach, thinking about my amazing family. They're all so beautiful. Then, I thought about the note, threatening my children. Not good. I closed my eyes and tried falling asleep but I heard the door open, then close. Someone hop into bed. Elliot kissed my neck.

"Goodnight, babe." he said, turning his light out, "night." I said, smiling.
Then I let darkness take over.


I woke up in the middle of the night, my wolf was on edge. I got out of bed and quietly went to Tristan and Ravens room, slowly, I opened the door. I looked inside and found a man, holding one of the children, I gasped and the figure turned to me and smiled a creepy smile. My body absolutely froze with fear.

"I told you," he whispered, "I told you, you'd better be careful." he said while walking over to the window.

Before I knew it, y body was unstuck and my feet were running over to the man, I went to punch him in the nose, he dodged and ran over, back to the window. The moonlight was shinning down, in his arms, he held Raven, sleeping. I went into panic mode and tried to attack him again but, it was to late. He jumped out the window, landing on his feet and sprinting off into the woods.

Instead of running after them, I broke down. I couldn't move, I just fell to my knees and silently cried. My baby, my daughter. Gone.

"Elliot, there was an intruder.... He took Raven." I mind linked Elliot, as tears went down my cheeks. I got up and walked over to Tristan, I didn't care that he was asleep - as bad as that sounds - but, I just held onto him, I couldn't let him go, my baby.

"mum?" Tristan yawned sleepily. I sniffled as Elliot came in, he ran straight over to Ravens bed, only to find it empty. I watched him, as he walked over to Tristan and I, he kneeled down and hugged us both.

"Mummy, daddy, I'm tired." Tristan said, falling asleep again, in my arms. I sniffled again,

"o-okay baby." I said, trying to make sure he doesn't think that I'm crying, even though I am. I picked him up and went out of his room and into the one Elliot and I shared. I him in my bed. Elliot took my hand in his and led my just outside our room he shut the door quietly, although leaving it open a little.

He looked at me, straight in the eye, "are you okay?" He asked, I nodded slowly, the he pulled me in for a loving kiss.

"We will find her, I already have our best trackers, tracking the scent now." he said, bringing me in for a hug. I sighed and nodded.

I walked back into our room and snuggled up with Tristan. 'We have a busy day tomorrow' I thought to myself, as I drifted off to sleep, watching Elliot getting into bed.


Sorry, I know this is super duper, duper short buts it's been ages!!!!!!
So I published Taken, Broken, Saved. Please read that :) hope you like that as well :)
Question of the day/night: what do you think/want to happen next??
Till the next update
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