Chapter 5: The story of the Devils Daughter

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Astrid Skyla Jackson

"You might want to make your self comfortable before I start" I mumbled. Ryder made him self comfortable and motioned for me to start, I took and a deep breath and started telling my story.

"It all started when I was left by my werewolf mother on the door step of a weak pack, called the Snowy Hills pack. I was raised as the betas youngest daughter, never treated differently... That was until I shifted.

I was 14 when I felt my self becoming something... I didn't know what, but it felt evil, it felt powerful. Before I knew what was happening, my ears grew pointy and my teeth grew shaper, my hair got lighter, my eyes become a kind of silver colour... I had shifted into a devil. My pack were scared of me, not even my best friend, Ashly, would talk or go anywhere near me.
Every day, every passing minute, I got angrier and angrier, I kept everything to myself, I let them ignore me, isolate me... Then I just snapped. I had killed everyone in my pack and the worst part is, I don't even regret doing it, even now.

After that, I became rouge, surviving off small animals, which isn't to bad. When I reached the age of 15, I shifted into my beautiful black wolf, yes I shifted early and it wasn't long after that I realised I'm more powerful then an alpha. After my second shift, I started getting regular visits from other demons, teaching me how to keep my inner demon in control, teaching about what I am.

They told me I was their princess, the devils daughter and I could do anything I wanted and not be looked down upon. I started drinking and partying, it was fun getting the tattoos, with random people I met and hung out with only for one night. That was all I had and all I could fall back on, if something got difficult, I pushed it back, went to a party and got drunk and I did that for so long.
When I turned 16, I had got into a really bad bar fight. After I won, I drank heaps... Then..." I stopped, my lips trembled at the thought of the memory. Could I tell him?

"I was raped that night." my mate instantly growled, cutting me off.

"let me continue... It was all just a game for 5 really drunk stupid wolfs. They took my only innocence, the only thing I really sort of felt proud about myself. Once they left me, I blacked out and woke up in a smelly old bar with a really bad hangover.
Blood from the bar fight was still smeared all over the place. But that was the day I met my father. He told me to stop getting drunk... He didn't exactly tell me off for probably killing someone that night, you could tell he was proud of me despite what I had been doing.
So since then, I've been drunk... Maybe 4 times... Give or take, but it was better then before, I was getting drunk every single night" I laughed, "the good old days." I laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

"Baby, I wouldn't call those days good..." He mumbled.

"I know... Back to the story... My father started training me, personally, once a week till I was actually as strong as an alpha.

One day, I asked him about my mother... He told me that she was the most beautiful person in the world, no one was able to compare to her beauty.
But of course she was the princess of werewolves and he was the prince of hell.
They couldn't be together for he lived underground and she lived on the earth.
So once every month, they would sneak out and... You know... Mate... or whatever you want to call it, until she found out she was pregnant, with me, a couple months after this monthly meet up.
She was happy but knew her parents wouldn't be, as they wanted her to get married to another prince... Who was in fact human! Before you say anything, I know! Their plan was to have a hybrid prince/princess to make the Royal line stronger..
So then, my mother betrayed her own mother and father by starting a war, she trained rouges, my father helped. My father said that they were young and didn't know what they were doing until it was to late. The war had begun and the rouges were very well trained.

By that time my mother was 9 months along and her parents obviously got suspicious and in the end they found out, banished her, they got killed in the war, she gave birth, gave me away and got killed by a rouge I guess. My father apparently looked for me everywhere, but couldn't find me, he checked every human cities and towns for me, a newborn baby but he got nothing.

He found me obviously when I shifted and then.. yeah... That's my story..." I paused, "oh and somewhere along the way I got into more fights and stuff and people might just be hunting me coz I killed their mate or leader, something like that."

He just looked at me, "well, I need to process this... Over lunch, wanna come?"

"Sure" I replied, nodding. Feeling thankful I got that response compared to the many other outcomes.

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