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Clara Forster


Before the alarm clock beeps for the third time, it was smashed against the grey wall with a rather unnecessary force. She didn't even care to spare it a single glance as she lazingly drag herself out of her lovely four poster bed.

Heading straight to the shower, she knew Anna would fret again once she finds the nearly unrecognizable new clock.. For a record.. Its the THIRD clock this week!

She smiled as the warm water hits her chest, dripping down, caressing her beautiful curves. She was a beautiful girl, dark brown eyes, pink pouty lips, dark black hair which stood just below he shoulder blades. Beautifully tan skin and 5'0.

After the shower she went to a room attached to hers. Her closet, it was huge, full of clothes and believe me, she did not wear most of them. She didn't want to stand out, she wanted comfortable casual clothes but her step mother insisted that she wear them but being stubborn as she is.. Her step mother seems to be loosing the battle.

She wasn't a girl who craved attention unlike her age mates who were cheerleaders and dressed in designer clothing and accessories she was more of a tomboy who was invisible to most.

She lets out a sigh as she settles for a black converse sneaker, a grey t-shirt and boys cargo pants, summing it up with a military green cap. She caught last and first glance of herself in a mirror and she was off to school.

She didn't bother going to breakfast because that would mean two things. One, she had to meet her iritating step mother who complains about her needing to behave more ladylike. Two, she didn't want to face Anna about the stupid clock issue because her stepmum complains about waisting money buying one almost everyday.. Clara scoffs at the thought of that.

As she walked past her neighborhood.. She wonders how this life could have been if both her parents were alive. As long as she remembered, she grew up with the care of Anna, She doesn't remember her parents that much, except what Anna told her.

"Anna, can you tell me more about my parents. "
" Are you having nightmare again,-" She shot her eye up asking herself how she knows but she continues
"i know you want to know about your parents because you keep calling them in your sleep."
Anna sighed and took her hand into hers and looked straight into her eyes
"They were so in love with each other and so their love gave them you.. How happy they were' Anna smiled as her eyes are trained far in her memories.

"One day something happened" her eyes darken with sorrow and pain
"their bodies were found outside, in the backyard but no one knew what happened but all that was spared was a young beautiful baby crying with no one to help it." Anna's eyes held hers, and swallowed 'it was you,Clara, whatever killed your parents spared you for the reason unknown.
That is the day i took you, i didn't know what to do because i was just your parent's maid and i couldn't leave you. " she smiled

I didnt have a good job to take care of you but the court offered the idea of putting you into foster care but i refused because i have grown attached to you. A lady stepped in and told me i could work as a maid in her house and never be apart from you if she adopted you, so i agreed. And until today, we are still here. "She said with a smile.

She shook off the memory as she neared the school entrance..

Hey guys i hope i didn't disappoint.
Up next on HIS

What?!" he angry shouted
His beta stood there looking at him horrified
"Speak or get out of my sight " He was getting annoyed
" The pack requests for your presence at the charity event today " His beta said in a hushed tone, not wanting to provoke his Alpha.

Alpha Marc simply looked at his beta and decided to calm down" I have no desire to attend it"
His beta injected ' But-"
A low growl stoped him mid sentence and he knew when to stop..

Ammm... Guys this is my first work please support :-)

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