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I slowed down and changed into a man and emerged into a clearing. Ted and other patrollers were in line, ready to charge.

They heard me and in seconds Ted's eyes met mine.

I looked at the rouge. It was in wolf form too.

" Shift" I used my Alpha command on the rouge.
He immediately shifted from a brown wolf into a short fat man.

"Speak, I have more pressing matters to attend." I spat

" You killed my brother and am here to seek vengence!" He angrily growled.

" I don't recall , enlighten me. I have killed many wolves,which one are you talking about. Be more relevant." I was getting annoyed.

" You motherfucker! You killed him this morning!" He breathed hard, he was losing his patience.

"Your brother was about to rape an innocent girl! " I couldn't let them know that I have found my mate,not yet

" Am coming back for you." He quickly shifted and dashed into the woods.

I turned to Ted. Track him and keep me posted.

Yes Alpha! Ted answered.

I turned and shifted. I ran towards the house. Clara must be awake by now.

When I got to the house I used the guest room bathroom for a quick shower.

Clara's POV

Someone was moving about in the room. Maybe it's Anna.

Am thirsty,I need to get some water. I lazily pulled back the covers without opening my eyes and sat up.

"Miss, you are awake!" I voice I don't recognize made me to quickly open my eyes and I met a blonde haired girl with Rosy cheeks and a big smile.
I swallowed and stared at her.

"Don't worry miss, Alpha sent me to help you to take your bath." She explained

Shit! Am still here! Anna might be worried sick by now.

" I will take my bath at home. I want to go home." I told her but she looked confused then she smiled again.

"I will be right back,please don't try anything reckless or the Alpha will have my head." She seriously explained the last part.

I nodded and i didn't feel the pain anymore. I watched as Tina quickly crossed the gigantic room to the door and closed it quietly behind her.

I stood up and got out of bed. Slowly I went to the mirror and I was horrified at the image staring back at me. I looked awful,and most of my head was covered in bandage. But it was not painful, thanks to that sweet, hot guy.. Or man. Then something hit me, i don't even know his name name!

I heard foot steps and hurried back to bed but I lost my footing and fell, shit! I yelled. Instead of hitting the floor very hard,a strong hand caught me.

I opened my eyes and came face to face with the most rare eyes. Sunset yellow, is that even the real color!? They are so beautiful i could stare at them all day.
Shit.. Am starring. And i could smell his scent, it's addictive
I sucked in as much air as I could . His hand was giving me chills and a feeling that I never thought I had.

He cleared his throat and I blinked and flashed. I tore my gaze away from him as he helped me into a nearby couch.

He kneeled before me and tucked my hair at the back of my ear and that sent another wave of emotions that left butterflies in my stomach.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, his voice hoarse as his gorgeous eyes were entirely holding mine.

Can't breathe! I mentally added

"Am..fine..I think." i added

He stared at me and he was fucking making me nervous and making me feel things at the same time !

" I heard that you want to go home but i can only allow you to if you let me drive you" he stood up and I let out a breath which i didn't know i was holding.

"Okay." I agreed. Besides I kind of trust him and feel a sense of safety around him..wierd?

A girl i was with entered the room and bowed.

"Tina tell Gerry to start up my car and fetch Clara's stuff and meet us at the garage in ten minutes."

"Yes Alpha" Tina replied and went out.

"Take this" he gave me a black hoody to wear.
I took it and put it on but it came right on top of my knees and i couldn't find my hands and it stopped just above my knees.

Oh and it smells good..so good.. All him.. Mmmh. I pulled it to my face and oh my I could feel butterflies and a whole lot of emotions I can't describe and i smiled.

" Are you that cold or.." His voice snapped me out of my fantasy

"Oh..yeah,am..am cold" I'm stammering and I hate it.

He smiled at me and held the door open for me

"Little one?" His voice...mhm!

I looked up and I met his eyes.. and once again I forgot to breath.
Who is he and why am i head over heels with the guy? I mean not even a name.. Only Alpha and am sure it's not his name.


" Oh by the way, am Ryan and you need to stop talking to that man."


" Because he is not good for an innocent girl like you!"

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