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I allowed him to guide me to the passenger seat and he opened the door for me and went to his side.
He drove out of the school campus. We passed the sports center and headed north.

"This isn't the way home!" I panicked

"I know,I want to talk to you but not here,we are going to a quiet place." He removed his sunglasses and I waited in anticipation for him to look my way.
And he did!

Aww! I mentally screamed.

" you didn't answer my question last time. What do you like to do on your spare time? " he asked,

" Am..nothing much, just staying home, watching movies, listening to music, coffee, watching the sun,the moon and the stars at night. Also there is sleeping.. "

He smiled, beautiful

" what!? " i asked him

" nothing.. It's just that i never thought sleeping can be a hobby. " he said still smiling, like really smiling.. Woow!

" Go on little one" he incouraged

"That's all" i said

He nodded and fell silent.

"Okay.. We have arrived. " He announced
I looked up and i what i saw was beyond amazing. I got out of the car to take a better look at the beauty before me.

Green, it was green forest, beautiful wild flowers of different colors adorned the grass along the small foot path.
It was quiet
Birds were chirping and the afternoon sunlight sipped through the canopy of the big forest trees. He led me to a small clearing. There was a rock covered with green grass at it's foot.. It faced the waterfall.


I sat on the rock and faced the waterfall. There was a little rainbow due to the sunlight. I breathed in the forest air. Wet soil, sweet scent of the wild flowers.. This was just perfect.

"I can see you are enjoying yourself. This is my favorite place" he said

"It's..beautiful! " i didn't know what to say. This place is amazing. I wish i had a backyard like this.

He took a sit besides me, his shoulders were squared, something was troubling him. He focused far beyond the beautiful waterfall before us.

Marc's POV.

What if she doesn't accept me?
What if she fears the monster i am?
I looked at her..
Soo beautiful like the morning light
She was calm, her eyes closed, her nose up to smell the fresh earth and the unique scents of different wild flowers.

I drew as much courage i could to tell her. There is no going back. Pain sipped through my heart. If she rejects me then it would be the end.

"I know you don't know a lot about me but first you have to understand that am...different... That's why that boy told you to stay away from me. "i paused and took a breath

She looked at me with wonder.

" You don't strike me as the kind to be nervous. I know that you are different, everything about you is different. " she took my hands which i didn't know they were shaking. She gave it a gentle squeeze.

She was soo perfect, i hated to show her that i can be weak. Well no one knows that i can get this emotional except my mother. I was a little relieved to see her being strong when i was weak.

"Okay... There is a legend of the..am, werewolves. Lurking in the outskirts of this city. They co-exist among humans. And what i want to tell you is that i belong to that kind. " i know that i didn't make sense. I ran my hand through my hair with frustration.

She wasn't responding, which meant one thing.
She feared me.
She didn't want to see me
She despises me
I feel rejection

I stood up to leave but her tiny hand grabbed mine, halting me.
I turned around, her head was bowed.

"Show me..

I want to see you other form" She said quietly

I froze. She is not rejecting me!

Wait... She can't see my wolf form, that would scare her even more

"little one.. Are you sure.. I don't want to sc-"

"Please" she pleaded

I took a deep breath and walked towards the edge of the waterfall.

Swiftly i began to transform, i had my back on her.. I didn't want to see the horror in her beautiful brown eyes.

I heard small footsteps coming slowly.. Closer and closer.

I felt her little hand on my fur..stroking it's way to my neck.. It felt soo good that i closed my eyes and purred.

She chuckled

She reached for my head, i bowed so that she could reach it.
A huge beast i am. I opened my eyes and met hers..

She smiled as she focused on getting more purring from me.


I grabbed him by his shirt and tossed his pathetic self across the restaurant.

People gasped. I was about to go and end his life when i heard my mate. Actually she was in front of me. She looked scared but trying to be strong.

"Marc stop. It's okay.. "she hugged me around my mid section
She looked up at me
" It's okay.. He didn't touch me. "

HIS LITTLE ONEWhere stories live. Discover now