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I growled as the lights went on, my eyes went to my mate, she had her arm over her eyes to shield them from the light.

"Alpha!? "

Not again!

" What? " i growled dangerously low

" Are you coming to the charity event? " asked Ben
Ben is starting to get on my nerves, how dare he interrupt his Luna and Alpha!?

I breathed hard through my nose so that i don't scare my mate.
" Ben.. I told you this morning that i have no interest in going to such events. "

" But-"

"Don't test my patience, can't you see that am busy!? "
His head still bowed, he apologized and quickly went out.

I turned to my mate and for the first time i saw her eyes. Chocolate brown, like her scent..cute nose, pink soft lips.
I wonder how they would taste them. And her cheeks, soo soft.

Without thinking i took a stray hair and tucked it behind her ear.
She froze. I didn't want to frighten her. I swallowed.

Those lips, they were apart, ever so slightly.
She was perfect and beautiful.

" What's your name, little one? " I asked her, studying her face. He eyes never left mine the whole time. She moistened her lips and there, just there i fought the picking desire to taste those lips and sink my teeth in her neck.
And then she spoke
" Clara" quietly that if it wasn't for the werewolf's heightened hearing ability i won't have heard her. She had an amazing voice. I should get her to talk more often.

"Clara.. Such a beautiful name. "i smiled. It suits her

"H-how did i get here.. Where am i exactly? " She quietly asked

"You are safe. I will never harm you. "

She looked at me, unsure of what I just said.

" You have my word. Now rest and I will send for someone to help you freshen up when you wake up."

" Okay." There was a hint of fear and dought in her voice.

" Nothing is going to harm you here." I reassured her , gently squeezing her delicate hand. And i felt a feeling of relief when she didn't flinch as i touched her hand.

She swallowed and closed her eyes. Breathing in and out to steady her fast beating heart.

"Tina will be here when you wake up. Rest little one, you need it."

I took my leave but something deep inside wanted me to join her and hold her little delicate form to my strong one but I knew better than to frightened my mate.

I took the last glimpse of her ball like form in my huge bed. I know it's not right but I just wanted her there. On my bed. In my room. I sighed as I heard her slow breaths, she was asleep.

I closed the door and went to my office just a door next to my room.

I opened the door and went in. I sat on my office table, I opened my laptop and started working.

After what seemed like an hour i got up, and headed for the kitchen. My stomach was not cooperating with me.

Passing a few rooms, i headed downstairs. My beta and other pack members were already at the table, I looked at the time and discovered that it was already dinner time.

Nodding at their bowed heads. I need to my seat. Stacy was blushing as I took my seat next to her.

Stacy was a pack slut, we had a short time thing a couple of years ago but this one doesn't get a memo that it has long been over and I have no interest in her besides, I have found my mate.

I wonder how Clara would react when I tell her about my nature and the mate thing. I sighed.

Ignoring Stacy, i emptied my plate in seconds and called Tina.

Telling her what I need her to do, I dismissed her and headed back to my office.

"Alpha, a male rouge has crossed into our boader and demands to speak only to you! " Ted, my head patroller said through the mind link.

" Am coming." I cut the link and headed for the window and flew out and swiftly shifted.

I paced gracefully towards the border. As i came closer, i could smell the rouge, he smelled familiar.


" Shift" I used my Alpha command on the rouge.
He immediately shifted from a brown wolf into a short fat man.

"Speak, I have more pressing matters to attend." I spat

" You killed my brother and am here to seek vengence!" He angrily growled.

HIS LITTLE ONEWhere stories live. Discover now