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Clara's POV

It's been two weeks since Markhal drove me home and my mind can't stop drifting back to that night.

"Little one?" He called me back from my imaginary world.
I looked at him he drove with ease,one hand on the starring wheel and the other one his lap.

"You don't talk much do you?" He asked, throwing me a glance
I have to be honest,I love his eyes, well not only his eyes but his jawline, mouth, nose, physique.. Oh boy.. Am going crazy over the stranger whom i met for half a day and i don't even know how old he is!!
I swallowed.

"No" I replied quietly as i hands became the most interesting thing at the moment.

"I see. What do you like to do besides readings books?"

How did he know that i like.. books!? My mind screamed
Has he been stalking me!?

"Clara? Calm down. I promised you that I won't hurt you..ever. I know that you like books because your backpack has 5 novels." He explained like he was reading my mind.

"Oh and you can call me Marc. I promise,i never met you before it was the first time when i rescued you." Said Marc

Everything about him is fascinating. Even his name!

He drove me home and told me to tell my parents that I fell, got hospitalized and too unconscious to answer their calls.

"Little one?" I loved the way he called me by that nickname
I turned and looked at him. His hands in his pockets, looking at me with narrowed eyes.

"Take care of yourself okay." He advised softly

I gave him a nod and turned to my house.

"Clara?" This time he was close,too close that I could feel his body heat behind my back and man it gave me more butterflies and dry lips.

I swallowed. Without turning around I replied

"Yes?" I couldn't recognize my own voice. It was hoarse.

"I need you to let me protect you.. please" he pleaded,his voice low and hoarse
I cleared my throat and replied
"Okay, goodnight..Marc and thank you for rescuing me the other day"
I quickly turned and without thinking gave him a quick hug on his torso and before he could react,I was running to the front door.

I didn't sleep that night and so are other days of the two weeks.

"Clara back to earth!" My classmate Natty snapped at me.

"Time for class,we must go or else we are gonna get detention."
I quickly closed my locker and accidentally dumped into someone.

"Sorry!" I quickly apologized
I was about to get past him when he grabbed my arm so tight that it hurt.

"Let m-"

" Oh apology accepted.. shortie!" He spat

I forcefully freed myself from his grasp. I hated it when I get bullied.

"Oh,are you gonna cry,cry baby!"
He was getting on my nerves. I turned and left him standing there.

After the last lesson, I rushed to the school gates,I just wanted to go home. But my eyes caught something..well someone.

Our eyes met

The guy from earlier stood in front of me,blocking my view.
"Excuse me,you are on my way!" I said
"Sorry" he mocked and went away but turned around again.

"Oh by the way, am Ryan and you need to stop talking to that man." He said looking at Marc, who was now attracting too much girl's attention.

"Why?" I folded my arms

" Because he is not good for an innocent girl like you!"
With that he was gone.

I walked towards Marc,who was now leaning against his car.

"What are you doing here?" I was curious
He was wearing sunglasses and I felt disappointment coiling inside. I wanted to see his wonderful eyes.

"Hi,how have you been?"

"Am..fine,I guess" I was getting shy because students kept glancing our way and some girls were flitting with him,smiling at him but her seemed not to take them into account.

"Am taking you home and also i want to talk to you." He came near and I backed away.

"Clara,I promised" he seemed hurt by my draw back.

"Okay, sorry" I regret what I just did.

He opened the door for me and got to his side and drove off.

Next On HIS
"This isn't the way home!" I panicked

"I know,I want to talk to you but not here,we are going to a quiet place." He removed his sunglasses and I waited in anticipation for him to look my way.

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