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Marc's pov
"Tell me one reason why i should not punish you for harrassing that po-" 
I caught a glimpse of her face, she was weak and soo tiny.. ,i was about to get back to the rouge when something happened.

Her scent hit my nostrils and my breath hitched for a second.

Dark chocolate!

Mate!!  My wolf announced

"MINE!"  i growled

She is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen. But something is wrong.

This pathetic low life rouge touched our mate!

How dare he touches what's mine!? I growled i could see fear in the rouge.

I smiled inwardly, he should fear me and he dared touched what's mine and he is going to pay for it. I let my wolf out.

He panicked as he realises who i am.

"Your highness!.. I.. I didn't know that the human is claimed.. She. Sh..didn't have a mark.. Or.. Your scent.. Please show me mercy. "
The stocky man begged as he stammered in fear.

I roared." Mercy!? "

"you dare plead for mercy! "I shifted into a human form.

"You touched and injured what's mine and you arr going to pay for that!"

I breathed hard and ran a hand through my hair and looked at the rouge.

"there is no mercy for you. " i looked past him, and i stilled as i saw red, a lot of red covering the white rock.

My restraint snapped and without one more glance at the rouge, i snapped his neck off. His body slammed on the ground and immediately turned into ash.

Smilling with satisfaction i turned to my mate. No one touches what's mine and gets away with it.

Her head... I turned her to get a better look and my heart stopped.

I needed to get the pack doctor. I linking him and immediately turned into a wolf and charged as fast as i could back to the pack house with my mate securely on my back.

I can't lose you now that i have found you little one, stay with me, please. I pleaded as i rushed past the trees.

The wound on her head is oozing a lot of blood and i could feel it wetting my fur on the back.

He was losing time. He cursed as he ran faster.

As the house came into view, he crouched to the side so that he can put his mate down. He shifted fully into a man and took his little mate in his arms .
Quickly he got to his bedroom and summoned the pack doctor.

"Alpha"he bowed, he was old but he knew everything.

"What can i do for you ? " the old man asked.

" Please save my mate, i found her, her head.. , she is losing a lot of blood " he said. He never begged anyone but this time it was a different occasion. His mate's life was at risk and he would do anything to keep her alive and safe.

He was so disoriented, he can't lose her, he need her. His hands never left her little one as the pack doctor tended to her injuries.

Clara's pov
That's all i felt as i tried to open my eyes but they were heavy.
Maybe am dead,
After a couple of tries,still they refused to open..please open ..stupid eyes
After a while they opened.

Grey walls, black drapes, no posts for the bed. This is not my room!

I panicked, but something caught my eye,NO, someone.
Tall, lean,powerful frame and messy black hair. That's all i could see. He was standing on the balcony, i think.

I tried to lift my head from the pillows but the pain took a toll.
I winced. It was too much, my hand went automatically to the source and that's when i felt a big bandage, wrapped around my head.

I could see him through my half closed eyes, hovering over my face. I closed my eyes.. Too much pain.

"little one? " He breathed softly as he took my hand but i flinched, took it back. Who is he and why does he touch me without my permission!?

He sighed "sorry, i know you don't know me but i am not going hurt you. Ever!"  he soar

I ignored him, it was dark inside and for that i was glad because I kind of didn't want to be looked at more am shy person.
"Water " i managed to say with a husky voice. My throat was so dry that i caused pain when i talked.

He didnt say anything and immediately turned to my side to pick up a tall glass of water from a night stand.

" Take these too, they will help with the pain" he added with a deep silky voice. He helped me take the pain killers and water with a straw. 

Then the unexpected happened.  Someone rushed into the room
And i heard a low growl from the man by my side.
I swallowed. Is he the one making that sound?!
It's kind of sexy.. I think..

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