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Clara woke up in her bedroom. Anna was moving around. Wait.. How did i get here!?
I tried sitting up but Anna, was quick to push me back bown.
I groaned and rubbed my face.  What happened?
"Anna what happened?" i tried to ask but my voice was funny.. My throat felt like i spent a week at the desert. 
She gave me a glass of water. Rubbing my arms in a soothing manner she answered me
"You fainted on your way home and you were found by a young man. He found the address on your backpack and brought you home. " she sniffed before she continued.

" we looked for you for three days, i thought that.. Nevermind, you are here and safe now. That's all that matters " she kissed my forehead and pulled the sheets up my chin and went out.

I don't believe anything Anna just said because the last thing i remember was Mack running home with me on his back.
Then i must have slept. I huffed..

I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked at the mirror and a girl with puffy eyes, split upper lip and she looked tired. I groaned and did my business. Went back to bed because it was night. As soon as my head hit my pillow i was out.

I groaned when i heard the alarm. I got up, swing my legs to get out of the bed. Rubbing my eyes the third time i looked back at the alarm. I wonder if Anna will kill me if i smashed it. I giggled. See am not a morning person, i loove sleeping in and waking up when i get tired of sleeping.

I stripped off my pajamas and was about to get to a shower when i saw them.

I had ugly fading claw marks on my back. Then i remember the pain i had when i woke up in that cell. I sighed.

Mack must have healed me or something, i shrugged and decided that i will ask him about it all later.

After a warm relaxing shower, i got dressed and prepared for school. I will call Mack on my way to school.
I headed downstairs straight to the kitchen.

Anna gave me my breakfast and after she gave me a hug and a kiss on my forehead. I got out and was glad that ot was a sunny day. I looked up loving the feeling of the sun against my face. I smiled and started towards school.

The lessons started and ended in a blur. I called Mark in the morning and his phone is off. And now it's one in the afternoon and still my calls are not getting through. Maybe he is busy or something. I shrugged as i followed the road back home.

I miss him, i won't lie. I miss the way he looks down at me with love, with worry and care when he saw me after he killed that wolf. How his touch feels when he caress my cheek. His soft lips when we kiss, the sparks that awaken everytime we touch.. I released a chuckle and a tear slipt through. Am going crazy!!

I have a huge crush on a guy i just let a month ago!! This is crazy right!? I asked myself as i cupped my face.
But i love this crazy feeling i have.

Shit. I should compose myself because i was beginning to get weird looks as i passed by a couple of strangers on the street.

I half skipped and walked my way home.

When i got home Anna was not home. Only a note on the the fridge to let me know that she went to her weekly dinner with her friends. I drank water and took a bowl of All bran flakes, added a few raspberries, blueberries and i added milk. I carried it up to my room and locked the door. Anna will kill me if she knew that am eating something that is meant to be eaten at breakfast.

After i changed into a grey size extra large and black knee length socks with my hair pulled into a loose bun, i cuddled on the couch and took cereal bowl and flipped through the channels until i found Mulan Disney cartoons. Don't get me wrong i love Disney cartoons.

I spent the whole of afternoon in my room with cartoons. At dinner time i took the bowl to the kitchen and i heard the front door open. I knew it was Anna, my stepmother was on a vacation at France.

I went to the living room and my face turned fifty shades of red. I should breath but it seems like i forgot how to do that because even my heart beart, my senses and emotions were AWOL..

Dam..he is dripping sexy..is it me or is he getting more and more sexy everyday!?

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