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I got up, i have kept myself busy since i came from back. I shouldn't have went that far. I sighed as i followed a path to the edge of the territory. I haven't seen anyone and i would very much keep it that way.

Alpha your mother is looking for you. Ben announced through the link.

Am coming.

My mother is one hell of a strong woman, she still stands strong even after her mate, my father died in a rouge attack. She has been there for me at my worst. Maybe i should her for advice on control.

I shifted and headed for the house.

"Clara you are going to be late dear, get up! " said Anna
" i don't wannna go to school" i weaned like a small child, pulling my sheets above my head. I know i was acting silly bit i didn't feel like seeing anyone or talk to anyone.
But that is just a fairytale when Anna is around.

She pulled the sheets away from Clara. She curled into a ball.
"You are getting to school young lady, it's only, what, a few days before your graduation so stop acting like a baby and get up right this intent! " Anna stressed in a stern tone.
" aarh, fine, am going! " she dragged herself to the bathroom.
Anna told her to hurry up and she went out.

She prepared herself for school and went downstairs for quick breakfast which she didn't eat. It tasted like cardboards.

She was on her way to school, but she didn't feel like going there, at all. Today she had a black cap hiding her eyes, and a hooded jersey too. She tried to call but Markhal doesn't respond to her calls, instead Ben answered it, he said that Markhal was busy.
She knew that it was all a lie, he didn't want to talk to her.

The activities took place in a buzz and at the end of the day she was going back home, she remembered not long ago she was walking happy about being his but all of a sudden everything just fell apart. She felt a soaring pain in her chest, preventing her from breathing. She found a bench in the park that she passed everyday to school.
She sat down as tears decided to come rushing out. She was glad that the clouds were gathering rain was starting to come down. It soaked her bit the pain she felt was too much compared to the nipping cold droplets.

Markhal was not far from her, he cursed as he saw her holding her chest as her face contoured with pain. She sat down and she rain started to come down. Why is she not getting up?  He asked himself, then he saw it. Her shoulders were shaking. She is crying.
A pain seeped through his heart at his mate crying. He was the reason for this, he knew that he has lost control. He got out of his hidding spot and approached her steadily. He sat down and cakled to her hirting mate.

"Clara? " his voice came like a wonded animal bit he didn't care. He needed to make it right.

Her head snapped up, she didn't expect to see him after what happened. Why is he here? His eyes were showing his emotions. He was hurt.

She sniffed and looked aheard. " why are you here? Oh i know,you just found out that you don't like me anymore and you want to be with someone else. I get it, so please leave me be. Just go.!"  she said her heart too painful. More hot tears poured out of her brown eyes. She hugged her knees and placed her heard on them.

"Clara, is that what you think? I will never and never want.. No, need anyone unless it's you. You make me weak, Clara. You make me lose control. " he cupped her face in his hands, forcing her to look into his eyes." You are my other half, my better half, you are my soul mate, Clara and i can't bear the thought of losing you. Please. Don't ever think that i will leave you. Ever" he wiped her tears with the pad of his thumps.

"Then why did you leave? Why did it feel like you were regretting that day? " still her tears didn't stop. The rain continued to pour down on them but they didn't take it into account.
" I lost control, i could have marked you without your consent. I didn't want to lose you. If i stayed, i could have done it. Am sorry, i left like that. Please stop crying love, i hate it when you cry. " he pleaded.

She sniffed as he scopped her up and into his lap. He held her to his chest and cuddled her until her tears subsided.
" Please forgive me my little one"
She nodded her head without saying the exact words.
He pulled back to look into her eyes, his eyes sparkling with joy.
"Thank you. " he smiled at her and his eyes went to her lips and hers followes suit.
His lips were tempting now that it had water droplets, she licked hers out of reflex and he lost it.
They kissed each other like their life depended on it.
After they decided they need to breath. Markhal carried her on his back as they headed to her house.

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