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                                     -You are my strength
                                       At the same time,
                                             My weakness-

Mackel sat on the floor of his office with his head on his knees. He felt lost,disoriented..he has been searching the entire forest but no sign of his little sweet Clara.
He took a chair and threw it against the wall smashing it into pieces..his office was in a mass,everything smashed into nothing.

A knock came

"What!!?" He growled so loud that the whole house felt it. He was broken. He didn't get any sleep and he didn't even bother to eat anything.

A faint shaky voice came from the other side of the now near destroyed office door.

"We got her scent at the abandoned house of the flanks pack at-"

Suddenly the door was tossed down the hall as Mackel growled.
He passed his beta without sparing him a single glance as he rushed down the hall and sprinted towards the window. Letting himself out and leaping into the morning air, he transformed and headed towards the east. Towards his mate.

Ben knew what to do. Follow his Alpha without question.

Mackel's paws dug onto the dirt as he went faster. His heart was beating faster than usual,he was furious and scared at the same time. His wolf was itching to rip out the throat of the one who took his heart and happiness away from him but he was also scared of the outcome. What if he is too late. He couldn't loss his mate. No. He couldn't bear the thought of it.

He could hear Ben and Garry and the others behind.

"Is it her? She is soo tiny, why would a big bad Alpha need an innocent girl like her? " A man in blue pants spat as he tied the unconscious Clara to the chains.

" Now we wait.. " Said a fat short man with an evil grin plasted on his unclean face as he locked the cell.

After what seemed like hours Clara woke up disoriented and scared he began to look around but it was dark. After some time her vision became better. There was nothing in the cell except her in chains.

"Aah.. Finally she is awake!" A voice came

She looked but she saw nothing. No one. Until that person decided to step out of the corner.
She scooted back until her back came into contact with the wall and she hissed in pain. Her back was in pain. What happened while she was knocked out? Questions were coming but no answers. But one thing.

"Mackel-she whispered

A malicious laugh interrupted her line of thought.

" Don't worry small one,you get to see him one last time before i rip his throat out and you my dear will be there to watch it happen" said the short man as he smiled down looking at her with a evil grin plastered in his face.

Clara shivered at the thought of losing Mackal. No. He is strong,he won't die. She had a strange feeling that he won't die,not today.

Her thoughts were cut by a frightening growl that will make one feel like running away and fide.

Her breath hicked,her heart beat faster. He is here. 

"Come on we are getting out of here" Said her kidnapper as he unlocked the cell,dragging her with him into a dimly lit corridor. His hand came into contact with her back and she screamed him pain.

His wolf took over as he heart Clara creaming in pain. He stalked his was to her voice. A man came charging but he was quick to act. Bitting his hand and yanking him across the floor his back collided with a pillar and the cracking of his spine and his cries filled the silent corridor. Mackal caught a glimpse of Clara's blouse around the corner. Without wasting time he took a different path and ended up coming from the front.

The short man panicked. He graped Clara and used her as a shield. He cursed. Mackel didn't let that bother him. He took his steps slowly towards them. Through the dim lit corridor he could see Clara's face, her brown eyes were big, she was scared and dry tears stained her cheeks but through this all he saw that she was in pain. Where?

Ben emerged from behind the man and growled. He turned to look at him that's when Mackal found the opportunity to shift and take Clara out of the man's arms. The man shifted into a brown wolf readying himself for attack. Mackal attacked the brown wolf. He went for his throat and sank his teeth into his neck. The wolf tried to put up a fight but he was no match for Mackal's large wolf. After a few attempts the wolf seemed to lose its breath and it died.

He withdrew from the wolf and assigned Ben to take care of the rest. He shifted back and turned his head to a now shivering Clara,he slowly approached her and picked her up only to freeze as he heard Clara screaming in pain. He quickly put her down and pulled up her blouse. His eyes turned orange as he looked at her back. That some of a b*tch dared to injured what's mine!!

He was so furious that his growl shoke whole building. Punching the wall repeatedly his took a deep breath and turned to Clara who was standing with her head down.

He cupped her cheeks and looked into her eyes. Such a beautiful color.

" let's go home. Ride on my back so I won't hurt you okay". He said as he caressed her cheeks. She nodded her head.

He shifted and crouched into his belly so that Clara can ride on his back. Only he was sure she won't fall he charged his way home.

What you think? Please don't forget to vote,it really means a lot to me..love you..😗😗😍

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