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Alpha Marckel Somanto Mondel was a beast whom his subjects and enemies feared to the bone, he was known as a heartless, cold Alpha. He had sinful good looks, handsome, intimidating tall frame and also hard to read on many occasions.

He knew everyone feared him and he just didn't care. He was currently in a verge to lash out, let his wolf out for a sprint in the woods. He just wanted to be alone for a few hours but it seemed like he was wrong.

His office door slightly opens and his second in command the beta slips through.

Alpha Marc was furious, why can't anybody grant me the freedom to be alone!? Let alone, how dare he come into my office uninvited!?

"Alpha!? "

What?!" he angrily shouted

His beta stood there looking at him terrified

"Speak or get out of my sight " He was getting annoyed

" The pack requests for your presence at the charity event " His beta said in a hushed tone, not wanting to provoke his Alpha.

Alpha Marc simply looked at his beta and decided to calm down

" I have no desire to attend it" he said flatly and turned to look outside the window, his broad back tense. He could feel a headache coming.

His beta injected ' But-"

A deadly low growl stopped him mid sintence and he knew when to stop..

Ben, his beta, quickly slipt out through the door. Marc sighed and slammed back into his office chair.

He was tired, nothing is important to him, he has lost interest in almost everything.His mother is coming next week and he doesn't want her to see him stressed. He sighed for the ninth time. Maybe a jog in the woods would help him release the tension building up inside him. He thought

Getting up, he losed his tie, tossing it to the couch and unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt. He opened the window and leaped into the morning air, ripping his designer shirt and slack as he gratefully shifted into a black wolf with white spots on its back and into the forest.

Clara 's pov

As soon as i was in the school building i head for my locker. I was busy preparing books for my lessons when i noticed that the hallway is much quiet than usual, i wonder if am late for my classes or am just too early.
I checked the time on my wrist watch. I sighed in relief because am earlier than usual.

I took books i needed for the day and slang my school bag on my shoulder as i went to my favorite spot. It wasn't much though, it was a tree just five minutes outside the school campus where the campus and the forest meet. I took my novel and sat down, leaning against the tree i immediately got lost in it.

I was halfway through the chapter when i feelt like someone or something is watching me. Closing the book, i looked around and i found nothing, just trees behind me.

I turned my attention to my book and thats when i meet two pair of eyes. Odd, they were almost black. And he had a weird smirk.

I swallowed and blinked because he was half naked, only a pair of grey torn jeans on him.

He got closer, i tried to get up but my limps were failing me.
Closer, he came, his eyes on me until he was too close for my liking.

"Well, what do we have here, " smiling he clapped his hands together, making me flinch. Then an idea popped up. I should scream

Before i could he had his dirty hands over my lips. And i paled.

" Now we don't want to anger uncle Jack, do we!? "his breath was killing me, his other teeth were stained of something black. I looked at him, trying to wiggle out of his grasp but he was strong.

So i did the only thing that came to my mind:kick him under there! and he quickly let go of me and muttered a curse but i was already on the run.

As quickly i felt a strong hands on my hair and i was forcefully pulled back. I hit something solid, and all i could see were stars.

Through my weak state i could hear his terrible laughter but then he was talking to someone or maybe i was dreaming or dying!
Not now, i can't die! I tried to wiggle but the pain on my head seems to get worse.

I opened my eyes, i saw a figure, a man i suppose, he was tall, so tall i knew he was not Jack because Jack was short.

"Tell me one reason why i should not punish you for harrassing that po-"
He stopped mid sentence i don't know why
Then i heard an animal growl
Thats all i could hear as i slip into utter darkness.

Whacha think!? , comments please this is my first work soo 🙈

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