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Its been two weeks since he told me that he is a werewolf.. And i still can't shake it.. I mean am not scared or anything but am just.. I don't know.. Thinking too much maybe.

I rolled out of bed and hit the shower. Dried myself and went to my closet. Today it's our first date. And i don't know anything about dates except what i have seen in movies.

I went for black skin jeans, blue blouse and black converse. Casual.. I curled my hair and left it loose.

I checked the time it was 11:58 and he should be here at exactly 12 noon.

Went downstairs, luckily stepmother was not around, only Anna. I gave her a quick hug and she kissed me on my forehead.

"Be careful okay. I love you " she said
" love you more " i whispered and hugged her again.

A knock at the door pulled us apart and i was starting to sweat.. Jeez! It's just a date.. That's all. I tried to convince myself.
I went to the living room to get the door as Anna shouted on her way up the rooms saying i should have fun.

I swallowed and grabbed the door handle.

Slowly i opened the door and there stood the most intimidating man.

Black long sleeved shirt, rolled up his strong arms. Tinted blue jeans..he look soo fine.. My fingers were aching to feel his chest.. Those muscles flexing under my han-

" Little one"

His voice woke me up and i was blushing.. Shit.. I was staring! I wanted to run and hide.

He chucked and offered me his hand .

I took it. Tingles ran from his arm to mine.. Down to my stupid stomach, giving my knees a woobly feeling.

How in the world can he affect me with just touching!?

He opened the door for me, i got in and he buckled my seat belt for me. I thanked him when he got to his side.

He smiled and took my hand, kissed it, which left tingling feeling
"Anything for you my little one. " okay.. This guy is perfect.. Is he even a werewolf!?

" Can i ask you something? "

" sure. " he smiled at me and kissed my hand again. He has been driving and he hasn't let go of my hand. Only when he changes gears will he do so then he holds it again.

" Can you elaborate more on mates and.. Stuff. "i bit my lip.. I didn't know what other stuff. I just wanted him to explain more.

" Okay, but let's eat first "

The car stopped and that's when i realise that we have arrived.
He took me to a restaurant just a few blocks away from my house.
We got in and took our seats. The waiter came and gave us the menu.

After 5 minutes he came back to take our orders.

" So what can i get you sir? " he asked Mackel
" ribs, 3 portions of chiken and a glass of white wine. "

Dem.. How does he have an incredible body with a diet like this!?

" And you beautiful? " the waiter asked me

I looked at Marc and he was looking at the waiter like he could kill him.

" Spaghetti meatballs and pineapple juice " i closed the menu and handed it to him which made our hands to touch.

He smiled, which i found it creepy somehow but i shoke it off.

Marc hasn't said anything, he was watching the waiter as he went away.
He looked at me and i smiled.

" You look beautiful " he said

I blushed

" I will answer your questions after you eat okay? " he assured me.
I nodded

The waiter arrived with our orders. He placed Marc's food then mine on the table. I took a fork and took a bit

" Darling do you need anything?" the waiter.. Again!? He stood so close to me i could feel his awful perfume.


Okay this waiter seems like he doesn't know his boundaries. I better teach him some.
I have been watching him trying to get attention of my mate but she is a good girl. She ignored him but yet again he still does the same thing and even worse..

Getting close to my mate. My wolf took over.
I grabbed him by his shirt and tossed his pathetic self across the restaurant.

People gasped. I was about to go and end his life when i heard my mate. Actually she was in front of me. She looked scared but trying to be strong.

"Marc stop. It's okay.. "she hugged me around my mid section
She looked up at me
" It's okay.. He didn't touch me. " somehow her words and touch eased my burning desire to kill the bastard, slowly my breathing went back to normal.

" Let's get out of here" she nod and i took her hand and we went out.

HIS LITTLE ONEWhere stories live. Discover now