Chapter 12

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Shimon POV

When I regain my consciousness, I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was a white ceiling. This doesn't look like my room. Where am I? I tilted my head to the right and what I saw was an open window. The hospital? Huh? I don't remember coming here....... I tried to think what happened after our battle with that mysterious maniac. Hmmmm.............

Now I remember, I lost my consciousness after I walk a little to the door with........ Ugh! Mayura! Where is she? I tilted my head to the other side of the bed and what i saw was a girl with blonde hair that faded to lime color on her endings, who was  lying her head on the left part of my bed and sitting on a chair at the same time.

Mayura. I'm glad your safe, I almost lost you. I smiled a little and tried to speak up. "Mayura". Her eyes slowly opened and when she saw my face or I think. She quickly change into a sitting position. She smiled so bright that her eyes was sparkling. "Shimon! Your awake!", she spoke and stood up from her chair and approach a little to the head part of the bed

She then hold my hand so gentle and asked. "Can you sit?". I nodded my head as a response along with a small smile on my face. She then helped me to sit on my bed and she then sit on her chair again after she helped me.

When I sat, a small pain on both of my right wrist and shoulder started to affect to my body. I quickly let go of Mayura's hand and grab onto my wounded and painful shoulder. I closed my eyes shut to overcome the pain just a little as I crumpled the blankets on the bed with my other hand.

Mayura POV

After Shimon sat on his bed, he suddenly let go of my hand and quickly grab onto his wounded shoulder and shut his eyes close. I didn't know what to do... How could I help him at a time like this? There's nothing much I can do. I don't know how to use hospital tools, I might hurt Shimon. With a small smile on my face, I gently grab his other hand as he suddenly open his eyes and turn his gaze to mine. "Mayura...", he mumbled as I smiled a little wider and replied to him to call out my name when he is in agony. "Shimon, I may not be good enough to protect you and Rokuro and Adashino-san. I know I'm useless to do anything. But let me at least give you my comfort when you are out there alone, suffering. Shimon I......". I want to tell you that...... For all the things you've done to me, along with those moments that you made me smile, and you let me forget my problems by taking me to places that I don't know, giving me a beautiful scenery that made me smile. I want to tell you, I need to let you know that along with those memories, I fell in love with you.... I want to tell him all of these and..... "Mayura?", he spoke with a questioning gaze.

I inhaled and started to speak. "Shimon, I lo-". As soon as I tried to speak up and tell him what I feel. Someone or I mean ICHINOSE-SAN burst in without giving a noticed that she was going in the room. Great! She ruined the moment. I tried to keep my voice straight so that she wouldn't notice that I was in rage. "Hey, Ichi-". When I was about to greet her, she started to ignore me and focus her gaze to Shimon. And asked a dozen of questions to him.

Shimon POV

"SHIMON!, I HEARD YOU GOT HURT AND I GOT WORRIED", Honami said as she completely ignored Mayura's greetings and started to continue her statement. "SO I GOT HERE AS FAST AS I COULD!", she was now shouting and I got irritated. "Keep your inner voice intact cause I'm not the only people in this hospital", I said as she stop yelling. "Oh sorry, I just got my emotion get the best of me", she awkwardly laugh while rubbing the back of her head. I sighed as she speak again. "Now where can I sit?" She tried to look for an open chair but the only chair here was occupied by Mayura.

"Hey, Ichinose-san, you can have mine. I have something to fetch anyway", Mayura suddenly spoke while her bangs was covering her eyes, making me not to see her reaction to her conclusion. "Really! Arigatou!", Honami smiled as Mayura stood up from her chair and let Honami to sit on it in her place.

"Mayura", I spoke as she walked to the door. And she turned half of her body to face me with a smile. "Don't worry, I'll be back", she set the conclusion of our conversation. And turned her gaze to the door again.

She then grab the handle and twisted it and pulled the door so she can leave the room. "Bye-bye", Honami smiled as she wave her hand for farewells. But sadly, Mayura didn't look I stead she just nodded her head and close the door. And she left, her expressions was kinda sad so I frowned a little.

"Hey Shimon, why are you frowning?", Honami asked as I regained my calm look. "Its nothing, really", I answered as she smiled. "Well, then. I got a lot of questions to asked you so you better be prepared to answer it all" she said with funny smile.

Mayura POV

I walked along the hallways of the hospital as nurses and doctors walked past me. So sadly, I was crying inside.


It took time until Honami left so I thought I would return to Shimon's room.

Shimon POV

After Honami left my room, I take a look at my window. I saw was a beautiful lake with healthy grasses spreading around it. It was a beautiful scenery along with the sky that turned orange cause it seems like the was about to end. The view was breath-taking, I smiled a little as Mayura entered my room. "Hey, Shimon", she mumbled as she close the door. I turned my gaze to her with a smile. "What is it?", she asked with a questioning gaze. "How about we took a walked over there", I pointed at the window which its view was amazing. She approached the window take a look.

After a minute, her eyes widen and her smile returned. I smiled and asked again. "Shall we?". She turned her gaze to me with a smile and answered so cheerfully. "Sure".

I smiled once again as she approached my bed and getting closer to me. "Thank you, Shimon", her smiled brightened as she regain her cheerful and warm personality.

I couldn't help but smile at her with the most warm smile I could give.

Hope you guys like it~ its a great progress I could make. I've already put my writing schedule every other day so...... Look forward at Chapter 13 on Friday.😃😃

              😉Hime-chan~ out😉

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