Chapter 10

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I finished the letter of, and lay it down by the table that stood silently by the door. That way, she would be sure to have at least some reminder of me, and some sign that she actually meant something to me, but did I mean anything to her?

I wandered around the house remembering all the moments we shared here, everything.

Living room, filled with sweet things, my birthday. When I opened my golden heart pendant necklace, and on the inside was a picture of me and Demi. I felt it around my neck. Since that day, I had never taken it off. That other time when Demi and I were jumping on the sofa's and one broke, the one that Demi was on. She fell straight down to the floor and I rushed to her side, fearing the worst. She turned to me and laughed her butt off, but I was only relieved that she was okay!

We still need a new chair.

I wandered through to the kitchen, where many, many great memories had been made. Too many to list, but my favourite was when Demi had burned the pancakes that we were making together. I relived that moment.


The fire alarm went off, making Demi and I squeal with both a mixture of fear and laughter. I looked over at Demi who was hiding something behind her back. "Demi..." I warned her, knowing something wasn't quite right. "Show me what you burned this time!" I threatened her, holding up my sticky hands, "Or I tickle you." She shrunk back like a dog that is guilty of a crime such as ripping a piece of important paper up or scratching the sofa. She revealed what she was holding behind her back, a burned pancake. Not just lightly burned, I mean, it was black, and crispy, and steaming. Yeah, not the best pancake ever then. I looked from her to the pancake over and over again. "Demi... What. The. Hell." I gasped, about to laugh my head off. She didn't respond, instead made that cute face where she would scrunch up her nose and mouth and raise her eyebrows. Eventually we gave up. After 6 mis-attempts. 6. In the end we just drove to Starbucks and ordered something there.

*End Of Flashback*

Boy, was I gonna miss this place. But no second thoughts. I was ready. I took one last look at a photo on the wall of Demi and I at the bowling alley, holding bowling balls up and pulling funny faces, and I laughed a little.

I grabbed hold of my pendant and looked at the picture inside. I have to admit, I did shed a tear, but there was no going back.

I shrugged my coat on, put my phone and blade in my pocket and left the house. Here I go.

Goodbye Demi.

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