Chapter 22

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I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I automatically tensed up. I felt scared and helpless. I didn't know what to do.

-Jessie's POV-

I slowly got up and headed back. I felt free now, of everything. I knew that I wouldn't be able to do this every time, and that saddened me slightly. and I knew Demi would want to have 'a talk' with me. I dreaded that. I came back down the alley that I changed ways, just for the fun of it.

Then I saw it.

Demi. And a man.

Demi looked tense and almost ready to scream for help, she had not seen me, nor had the man. And it looked like Demi had not seen the man either. He was very muscley, and looked like he was too strong for Demi to push off if he tried to make a move. He wrapped his arms even tighter. And Demi's face was a look of horror and scared-ness. (A/N: is that even a word...? idk...)

"No!" I yelled quickly, moving myself towards the man and launching myself onto him. Demi was even more taken aback by my sudden move. I know I was supposed to be made at Demi at he moment, but it looked like she needed help at this moment in time. Just like she had done for me before, I came to her 'rescue' I guess you would call it.

I leaped on the guy and he grunted in pain as he somehow got knocked over. I didn't know that I was that big. But hey! Maybe he was just taken aback by the sudden sound and manic girl leaping on him.

I didn't want to hit him though, otherwise I might get myself into even bigger trouble then I was in already. I didn't see his face, but it seemed Demi did because she gasped quickly and pried me off, basically throwing me aside. Like always. I then saw the man's face.


"Uh-Demi, I um, I'm sorry, I just wanted to-uh-say hi?" He stumbled, slightly disoriented by my sudden outburst.

I slowly stood up and slipped away, only to hear footsteps behind me again. God, couldn't people leave me alone for once? "Oi, you're going nowhere." Nick's gruff, American sounding voice spoke to me before lifting me up bridal style and carrying me back to Demi.

"Lets go home." Demi stated simply. I think she was flustered by this whole experience.

-Demi's POV-

"Lets go home." I said, this whole thing has tired me out and I don't know how much more of this madness I can take before I crack. But let's hope it's a lot, because this is not over yet.

I smiled up at Nick and apologized. "I am so sorry you had to witness all that, but next time, warn me in advance if you're going to scare me half to death, yeah?" I laughed and Nick giggled too, catching onto my joke.

I reached up to Jessie's hair, but as soon as she realized that I was going to touch her, she pulled away, burying her head in Nick's chest and whimpering. Okay. That really broke me.

I needed to fix it.



I got my ears pierced and have been so busy with Summer Holidays and stuff!

Anyways... You guys were commenting that you hoped it was Paparazzi in the bush... It turns out it was Nick, that sneaky little shit.

Update real soon my lovelies!

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