Chapter 1

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Stephanie watched as Michael got up to bowl. She should have been over the moon with how things had turned out and yet she felt uneasy. She reminded herself that Michael was her dream guy, he was everything she could have asked for and more. He was smart, good looking, he could ride like no one else, surely she should be happy now? She threw her arms in the air and cheered as he scored a strike, there was nothing he didn't do well. She saw Sharon sourly mark his score and allowed herself a small smile. Since she'd got together with Michael she'd refused to play in boy girl teams. Her and Michael doubled up with Paulette and Johnny, so victory against Sharon, Louis, Rhonda and Goose was easily assured.

'This is turning into a walkover,' Michael said as Goose bowled, and got disqualified for stepping over the line.

'Yeah it's almost worth being on the same team as Johnny.' She'd never consider Johnny a real friend after he made her life hell all through twelfth grade, but she could tolerate him for the sake of her friendship with Paulette. She watched Paulette take her turn bowling. As usual she slowly swung her hips, determined to keep Johnny's eyes on her. Her performance was such a regular occurrence that only Johnny feigned appreciation. She rolled her eyes at Rhonda and Sharon but they barely acknowledged her, she knew they were convinced her team were somehow in the lead through cheating.

'Nice one, Paulette,' Johnny shouted as she knocked down nine pins. Paulette beamed at him.

'We're so thrashing them tonight,' she laughed glancing over at the other team. Rhonda scowled at her.

'Can you believe how seriously they're taking this Sharon,' she said flicking her hair over her shoulder.

'I just couldn't get that worked up about a game,' Sharon sniffed.

'Yeah it's so boring,' Goose added. Michael laughed in Stephanie's ear.

'Do you guys always have such a fun time?' She suddenly felt her heckles go up, yeah they were being silly but it was just a bit of fun.

'We don't have to hang out with them if it's a problem,' she hissed. He jumped back looking startled.

'I didn't mean it like that, it was a joke.' She looked at him uncertainly, she didn't quite get his sense of humour. She made herself smile.

'No I just meant, seriously, we don't have to hang out with them all the time. I mean bowling, it gets boring, we can do something else.'

'Steph it's fine, they're my friends as well now.' His words should have made her happy but part of her didn't want him making her friends his. She wanted someone different, someone to add a bit of excitement to to her life; now she had a boyfriend who was slotting as if he'd always been there. In many ways it was like when she was dating Johnny, and her friends had got coupled up with his. It was far too cosy and convenient. She watched Sharon get up to bowl.

'I don't even know why I'm bothering,' Sharon moaned.

'Nothing like sour grapes Sharon,' Paulette piped up.

'Well we can't win, so there's no point is there.' Stephanie's team were so far in the lead Sharon's final throw made no difference to the outcome. Barely glancing at the lane Sharon rolled the ball, she turned around before seeing that she'd knocked down seven pins. Johnny and Paulette were cheering, and Michael joined in with them. Steph tried to get on board with their enthusiasm but she felt a bit flat.

'Are we all gonna get something to eat now?' Rhonda asked.

'I guess,' Steph said, and around her people were nodding as they discussed where to go. Even though they always wound up at the same burger bar.

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