Chapter 19

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Johnny sat back relaxing as the beer took the edge off his weariness. It was the end of the week and he was glad to kick back with the guys for once. Thank god Paulette had finally started college, she wasn't half as demanding now most of her days were occupied. He'd see her later, and he was happy to if she'd stop smothering him.

"Is Davey not coming?" Louis asked sitting down next to him and Goose. 

"Nah, he's got his hand full with the school kids," Johnny sneered and Goose predictably laughed. "Besides it's fifty fifty whether his fake ID gets accepted." Louis nodded acknowledging the point. Johnny however just wanted to hang out with guys who were on his wavelength, and that wasn't Davey or Michael. Those guys were college kids now, there wasn't a day's hard work in either of them.

"So do you guys buy the whole Davey and Dolores thing?" Goose asked draining his beer. "It seems kinda off to me." So three months later Goose had finally noticed, Johnny thought. He could see Louis pretending not to hear the question, probably feeling his loyalties lied with Davey.

"I think they're just hanging out," Johnny finally said. "I guess they've got a lot in common." He laughed, and Louis joined in but Johnny suspected he was also more than a little suspicious about the relationship.

"Davey is-" Goose broke off frowning. "Well I dunno what he is, it's weird to me Johnny." Johnny remained tight lipped, it was weird alright but he didn't want to speculate with a dumb ass like Goose. He didn't want to think about it period.

"So Dimucci," Goose continued when Johnny remained silent. "You're still breathing. Sharon's dad hasn't caught up with you?" Louis smirked looking down at his drink.

"Sharon's mom won't say anything to her dad. Sharon said her dad would use it as an excuse to accuse her mom of being a lousy parent or some sort of bullshit." He looked at them almost smugly. "I'm off the hook, I'm not gonna be hearing from her old man." Johnny wouldn't like to put money on that one, Louis was being far too cocky.

"Ain't she got an older brother?" Goose asked frowning. Louis shrugged but his smile lessened.

"Yeah but he's not gonna find out, there's no one who would tell him." Johnny wondered if he was being complacent because Sharon's family set up was sorta complicated. At least he knew if he was in a similar position it would be both Paulette's parents he'd be fronting up to. Not that he'd ever let himself be put in that position; Dimucci and Sharon had been dumb thinking they could disappear all weekend and no one would put two and two together.

"So what was she like?" Goose asked almost salivating, and Johnny cringed.

"Well worth the wait," Louis said and Goose's mouth dropped open. He elbowed Johnny grinning but Johny ignored him not much wanting to hear it. Sharon was a pain in the ass but he wasn't going to sit there making crass comments for Goose's entertainment. A year ago he would have but now that seemed almost childish.

"So how many repeat performances have you had?" Goose asked, and this time Johnny elbowed him.

"Knock it off Goose, how many performances have you had?" Goose looked perplexed, and Johnny knew he was acting out of sorts. Goose would expect him to be the first demanding all the sordid details.

"Yeah Goose, how about you enlighten us," Louis added, clearly wanting to get off the subject of his girlfriend. Johnny knew Sharon would kill him if word got back to her that they'd been talking. Goose shrugged looking sheepish.

"Come on guys, you know Rhonda's kinda straight-laced." Johnny laughed although he didn't find it that funny, he'd known these girls so long he was in danger of respecting them. That was a shock to his system, Johnny Nogerelli respecting a chick. He looked at Goose again.

"Yeah, Rhonda is straight-laced. I dunno what she sees in you." Goose pulled a face.

"I keep her happy, or amused or something." 

"Yeah I guess you do," Johnny said lighting his cigarette. "That's cool, not like me and Steph got. We wound up splitting cos it stopped being fun. We were seventeen and acting like an old married couple. No wonder she was bored." Goose and Louis looked at each other, and Johnny knew they were taken aback by his confession. He'd always insisted Steph wasn't serious about breaking up with him, then when she didn't come running back he'd called her a stuck up bitch who thought she was better than him. Deep down he'd known their relationship had been floundering for a while before she'd dumped him.

"Yeah, but things are going ok with Paulette right?" Louis asked.

"Yeah sure," he said as he slowly inhaled. One wrong word and it would be straight back to Sharon and Rhonda. "But that's where I messed up with Steph, we got boring." Looking back he wondered if he could have done anything differently.

"But Shakespeare's boring. I mean he can ride a bike real well but that's all he's got going for him," Goose said ever loyal. Johnny smiled slightly.

"I'm saying nothing. That's for Steph to deal with." He adjusted the collar on his jacket ignoring their stares. "Ok, ok I guess he is kinda boring. For Steph he is. She gets bored quickly."

"You're better off with Paulette then," Goose said, and Johnny supposed he was right. Paulette wouldn't dump him cos she was bored, she'd stick with him and fight for their relationship. He told himself to be grateful, he could depend on her.

"Yeah Paulette's cool, I'm a lucky man."

"You really believe that?" Goose asked picking up on his doubts. Johnny took another sip of his drink, the alcohol loosening his tongue.

"Yeah, I do. I maybe don't feel it sometimes cos Steph got under my skin but...." He could see Louis and Goose exchanging glances. "Look there was a time when I thought Steph was the one. I mean I had our whole future mapped out. We'd get married post-grad, I'd take over her old man's service station....None of that matters now. I've got to make it work with Paulette, I owe it to her." He drained his glass and got up to order another drink before they could question him any further.


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