Chapter 23

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Louis heard a sharp rap at the door, and after a moment realised his mom was letting Sharon in. She walked into the living room and his mom gestured for her to sit down but she remained standing, her arms crossed over her chest. His mom shot him 'a now what have you done?' look before leaving them alone.

"Hey," he said sitting up and turning his attention away from the TV. "I wasn't expecting you so soon?" She'd told him she'd be spending the afternoon at Rhonda's.

"I left early," she said her face twisting into a scowl.

"Right. And why was that?"

"You tell me," she spat. "Maybe you could enlighten me."

His eyebrows scrunched together. "I don't know what you're talking about."

She began to pace up and down, and he waited for her to speak.

"I know about you going out with other girls," she finally said and he laughed. She turned furious eyes on him. "You think it's funny? I thought we were going steady all through twelfth grade and you were going out with Johnny and seeing other girls."

"Sharon, I have no clue what you are talking about," he said suddenly serious. "I haven't been out with other girls, and what the hell has Johnny got to do with this?" 

"Cos Johnny was playing the field, and you and Goose and god knows who else went out with him, and you were all looking to find someone else." He stood up trying to put together what she was saying while she continued to pace.

"So you're winding yourself up because I went out with Johnny?" he asked incredulously. 

"To look for other girls!"

"That's not true, most of the time I've gone out with Johnny you've been with me." He rubbed his temple for a moment trying to imagine what her so-called friends had been saying. "I haven't cheated on you, and you're out of order accusing me just cos I wasn't with you all the time." He tried to make himself get angry but he couldn't match Sharon's temper.

"Do you love me Louis?" she asked throwing him.

"Yeah of course."

 "Well you don't ever say it," she said her voice catching

"Yeah I do," he said frowning and she pursed her lips in return. "Ok maybe not often but that's just cos it sounds, well I dunno."

She pulled a face clearly unimpressed. "It's three little words, it's hardly rocket science, Louis." 

"Yeah I know it's just-"

"It's just you don't mean it so you don't say it," Sharon snapped tears spilling out of her eyes.

"No, no it's not that at all," he said appalled. "But it sounds like such a line..."

"That hasn't stopped you spinning me other lines," she said wiping her eyes. "God I'm such an idiot." He took a step closer to her and she backed off.

"How could you do this to me?" She looked at him, her eyes welling up again.

"I swear I haven't done anything Sharon, I don't know what Johnny's done but...." She looked at him in disbelief. "Okay I knew him and Goose went out sometimes, and sometimes all of us did, and Johnny did get with other girls but it was just him."

"So why didn't you tell me?" she asked not looking at him.

"Cos there was nothing to tell." He wasn't even sure if he hadn't told her, she knew he went out with the guys and she'd never questioned it until now. "I didn't pay much attention to what Johnny was doing, we were just hanging out, you're reading too much into it."

"So why have Steph and Rhonda made a big point of telling Paulette?" she asked.

"I dunno, sounds like they're out to make trouble," he said thinking that was exactly the sort of stunt they'd pull. "I mean Johnny and Paulette weren't going steady, he was a free agent."

"But you weren't," she said her voice accusing again.

"Yeah, I know." He inhaled deeply trying to find the right words. "I never cheated on you Sharon, and if you think back then you'll remember I was totally into you anyway." She rolled her eyes but he could see the hint of a smile on her face so he reached towards her. "Stop upsetting yourself ok." She nodded resting her head against him but he wasn't sure she entirely believed him.


"So you're ok with Johnny going out with other girls?" Steph asked Paulette and inwardly she winced. She forced a smile onto her face and put down the magazine she'd been pretending to be engrossed in.

"Of course," she said her voice slightly higher pitched. "We weren't together, we were just dating."

"I wouldn't like it though," Rhonda said adjusting her glasses. "I didn't like that Goose went with him even though he said it was just to keep him company." Paulette bit her tongue wondering if Rhonda was trying to rub it in.

"We weren't going steady, it's different," she insisted and Steph shot her a sympathetic look causing her to grit her teeth. "I wish you hadn't said anything cos you've kinda got me churned up and for no reason at all."

"It wasn't for no reason, we were just concerned you didn't know," Steph said. Paulette frowned wanting to ask them what they seriously expected she'd do with the information? Dump Johnny for past indiscretions? Why did they even care?

"I'm sure I could have figured it out if I chose to dwell on the past," she said trying to keep her voice steady. "I mean he was still hung up on you back then." She felt a stabbing pain in her chest as she admitted what they all knew.

"Nah he wasn't," Steph said waving her hand. "His pride was hurt that's all." Paulette sighed. That was the game they all played, pretending Johnny hadn't really been hung up on Steph, hadn't wanted her back.

"I hope Sharon's ok," Rhonda said awkwardly. "She knew all about this, I don't know why it suddenly makes a difference if Louis was there or not." Paulette shrugged but she was grateful to slightly change the topic at least.

"You must have hit a nerve," Steph said. "Who knows what's going on."

"Sharon's been wound up since she went away with Louis," Paulette said getting into her stride. "Whatever she says to you guys I know her mom's giving her a real hard time." Sharon had told her they were barely speaking beyond a few snide remarks her mom would direct at her.

"Yeah her mom's pretty harsh," Rhonda said. "Nothing she does is good enough for her."

"No wonder she was so crazy about winning the talent show." Paulette had thought it would be fun entering the talent show but Sharon had been a slave driver.

"Well her and Louis will sort it out," Steph said sounding bored. "They like the drama if you ask me." Paulette wouldn't disagree that Sharon did. "Anyway I've gotta go, I've barely seen Mike this past week."

"Oh, why's that?" Paulette asked. "College doesn't take up that much time."

"It's just the way it works with our different schedules," Steph said flicking her hair over her shoulder. "It's fine, it can't be helped." 

"I guess," Paulette mused but she wasn't entirely convinced. Johnny worked and she made damned sure that they found the time to spend together even if it meant cancelling plans she'd made with her friends. She sighed again feeling flat as the news about Johnny forced it's way to the forefront of her mind. It wasn't exactly a surprise but it hurt all the same. She reminded herself that he hadn't done anything wrong, not really, and it was in the past. Still, maybe she should redouble her efforts, she'd hate to lose him after all she'd been through to get him....


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