Chapter 5

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Louis parked his bike up at Sharon's house, and allowed himself a small smile when he saw that her mother's car was not on the drive. Hopefully she was out for the night. He reminded himself that Sharon was supposed to be sick, but chances were she'd just had a bit too much sun, or a bit too much of Rhonda and Goose for one day already. He approached the door, noticing the down stairs lights were on so Sharon must still be up. He knocked quietly, not wanting to alarm her. He waited a minute but when there was no reply, he knocked again more loudly. After a moment he heard a noise, and the door opened.

' look...not good.' He was shocked, Sharon's face was ashen, an almost waxy tinge to her skin. She hadn't looked like this a few hours ago. Sharon stepped to one side letting him in, her arms wrapped around herself.

'Rhonda said you were ill?' He followed her through to the living room where she sat down, still holding herself.

'I've the most awful stomach ache,' she said her voice barely audible.

'Yeah Rhonda said, I thought I'd come check on you.' She looked up, wincing like it hurt to do so.

'Well, it's worse now, I don't know what's wrong with me.' She chocked down a sob as she said the words, trying to get more comfortable.

'Do you want me to get you some painkillers or something.' He went to put his arm around her, and she flinched.

'No, mom gave me some before she went out, I can't have any more yet.' She held herself tighter, and moaned.

'Sharon? Do you think it's something you've eaten?' He didn't know why he was asking twenty questions but he could see she was in agony, and he didn't know what to suggest. He was wishing her mom was home after all.

'No, I was sick a while ago, and I've felt worse since then, not better.' She groaned, as if the effort of speaking was making the pain worse. 

'Right well whereabouts does it hurt?'

'Everywhere!' She sounded almost exasperated with him. 'I feel like I'm dying.' She burst into tears shocking him, she hardly ever cried. For all she was prone to being dramatic she didn't turn the water works on at the drop of a hat.

'Shit,' he said beginning to panic. 'When's your mom getting home? You need a doctor.' He got up and paced for a moment before realising he was not helping. 'Sharon, when will your mom be home?'

'I don't know, she has a date.' He groaned, that meant she might not be home until the morning. Since Sharon's parents had split up her mom had been on a mission to prove to her father that she didn't need him anymore.

'Ok I'll call your dad, what's his number?' Sharon looked at him blankly, dark shadows under her eyes.

'I can't remember.' She choked the words out before resuming rocking back and forth. He tried to make himself think, she needed to see a doctor, but where would he get a doctor on a Saturday night?

'I'm calling my mom.' Sharon didn't even question him, she was obviously in too much pain to care. He quickly dialed the number.


'Louie? Where are you? Why are you calling?'

'I'm at Sharon's, she's really ill. Like I think she needs to go to the hospital or something.' There was a pause on the line and he wondered if his mom had heard him.

'Louie have you done something to her?'

'Of course not!'

'She's not been drinking?' He groaned impatiently.

'Ma she's in agony, she's like crippled with stomach ache. It's not normal.'

'Does she have a temperature?' He could tell he had his mom's attention now.

'I don't know, how can I tell?' His mom tutted.

'Ok, I'll come on over. Honestly you think you're all grown up, and the first sign of a problem-'

'Can you just get here, I think she might need to go to hospital.' His mother must have sensed the urgency in his voice as she stopped her lecture, promising to be there in ten minutes. He breathed a sigh of relief and went back to Sharon.


Less than ten minutes later Louis's mom was knocking on the door, and he quickly let her in. She gave him a look as if to suggest he was probably over reacting before she went to see to Sharon.

'Where does it hurt?' she asked sitting down next to her.

'Everywhere,' Sharon moaned, barely looking up. Louis's mom reached a hand towards her head, touching it gently. She looked towards Louis alarmed.

'She's burning up.'

'I told you she wasn't well,' he said impatiently. She frowned.

'Help Sharon to my car, I'll go write a note for her mom.' She opened her purse taking out a notepad, another time Louis would have laughed about how she always was prepared.

'Come on Sharon,' he said taking her elbow. 'Try to stand up.' She got unsteadily to her feet, and he put his arm around her waist, helping her to walk. His mother caught them up as they were getting in the car.

'Where are we going?' Sharon suddenly asked as if the thought had just occurred to her.

'The hospital,' Louis's mom said. 'I think they should check you over, make sure it's not appendicitis.'

'I thought only kids got that,' Louis said, while Sharon rested her head against the window. Louis watched her during the drive there. He was glad she was no longer crying but she seemed barely conscious. They arrived at the ER and his mom sprang into action, demanding attention, despite the commotion going on around them. She must have impressed upon them the urgency of the situation as they'd barely sat down before a medic had taken Sharon away, leaving Louis trying to fill out her paperwork.

'What the hell was her mother thinking, leaving her like that?' His mom cursed under her breathe in Italian. Louis half smiled, his mom never cursed.

'I'll call her in a bit, she might be home.' Now Sharon was in hospital he was beginning to relax, the sterile atmosphere and uniformed staff convincing him she'd soon be sorted out.

'I'm going to find out what's going on.' His mom was just about to get to her feet when a doctor came over carrying a clipboard.

'You brought Miss Cooper in?' They both nodded.

'How is she?' Louis asked, the doctor's formal approach putting him on edge again.

'She has appendicitis, she's being prepared for surgery now.'

'Surgery, why?'

'Her appendix has ruptured, and she's probably got peritonitis due to the rupture. We'll try to remove as much of the infection as we can when we remove her appendix. Have you managed to get hold of her next of kin?' Louis's stomach dropped.

'We're trying,' his mom said.

'She is going to be ok?' Louis asked anxiously.

'It's early days, please try and reach her parents.' Louis slumped down in the chair, and his mom squeezed his hand. They were going to be in for a long night, that was for sure.


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