Chapter 43

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April 1965

"You can now kiss the bride."

Stephanie looked expectantly at Michael, the corners of her mouth twitching as she fought the urge to laugh. Who'd have thought that nearly four years ago when she'd proposed to Michael they'd actually make it this far? It hadn't always been easy, especially in the early days when Michael had faced months of intensive physiotherapy but it had been worth it. It had certainly taught her to appreciate what she had.

Michael reached a hand out her face, gently tipping it upwards before his mouth met hers. It was only the briefest of kisses, both of them feeling selfconscious in front of their parents. Hand in hand they turned from the altar and a scattering of applause broke out from their guests. Stephanie hadn't particularly wanted a big wedding, she'd seen Sharon driven demented as she'd planned her wedding to Louis, and it was not for her. However, with years to plan for it she had given in to her mom's persuasions, and they'd compromised on a small church wedding. Once Michael's parents had announced they were most definitely coming, Steph realised it would be churlish to insist on anything more low key.

"Hey, is that Johnny at the back of the church?" Michael whispered in her ear. Steph followed his eyes and sure enough, Johnny was standing at the back of the room, in full military uniform.

"He looks so funny with short hair," she giggled as they began to walk back down the aisle, greeting well-wishers as they went.

"So you finally joined the old ball and chain club," Goose joked as he shook Michael's hand.

"Shut it, Goose!" Rhonda hissed a scowl marring her face. "And can you take the baby, my arms are breaking here." Goose silently took their daughter, who was more of a toddler than a baby, from Rhonda.

Stephanie exchanged a look with Michael. Goose and Rhonda's marriage had got off to a rocky start and they still seemed to be struggling to adjust. She couldn't say she was surprised, the surprise had been when Rhonda had announced their marriage, just a month before Sharon's wedding. Predictably, Sharon had accused Rhonda of trying to steal her thunder. Stephanie had braced herself for a big falling out but when Rhonda had placed her hand over her stomach it became clear why she'd married in such haste and secrecy.

They stepped out of the church and her mom pounced, rounding the wedding party up so they could have their pictures taken. Steph did not miss the bemused look Michael's parents exchanged with each other.

"It's a shame you didn't have a bridesmaid," her mom said frowning. "The pictures will lack symmetry."

Steph rolled her eyes. "Mom, my two best friends are married so they're not exactly maids."

Her mom flushed. "You're missing the point."

Stephanie bit her tongue, her mother did have a point. She had intended to have Sharon take on the role but when she'd confided she was pregnant just two months before the wedding that had thrown her plans into disarray. She'd pleaded with Sharon to stay in place but Sharon had claimed she'd look ridiculous in a bridesmaid dress with a baby bump and she was suffering terribly with morning sickness. Steph had had to agree that a puking bridesmaid wouldn't be a good look.

"Okay, can we have one last picture of all the family together," the photographer finally said. "Bride and groom in the middle." Steph breathed a sigh of relief as her parents and Michael's bunched together and the last of the photographs was taken. She couldn't wait for the reception, barring the speeches, where they would be able to relax and enjoy themselves.


Sharon sat next to Louis on a round table that was one of two that had been designated the 'friends' table. She turned her eyes from Davey as he concluded his best man's speech. She thought it was quite sweet that Michael had asked him, he had other friends' who looked more the part. That said, Davey had matured over the past few years, he'd dropped the pretence of anything more than friendship with Dolores and he could be relied upon not to make any crude jokes. Not like Johnny. She cringed as she remembered some of the cracks he'd made at her wedding. He was lucky her dad had been on his best behaviour or it could have turned ugly.

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