Chapter 8

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Johnny looked around the Bowlarama trying to get a team together for a game. It was a pretty poor showing. Obviously Sharon wasn't there having just been discharged from hospital but Dimucci hadn't turned up either.

'What's his story?' he asked looking at Davey and Michael.

'I guess he's keeping Sharon company,' Davey said looking a little perplexed. 'Come on, she's only just got home.' Johnny pulled a face.

'He's been seeing her all week, you'd think he'd be glad of the change of scenery. How many grapes can he feed the chick?' Davey laughed nervously but Johnny could see Michael wasn't impressed by his joke.

'What difference does it make?' Michael said looking around him. 'Me, you and Davey can play against Paulette, Steph and Dolores.'

'I guess.' He couldn't explain why he felt so pissed off, it was only bowling. He looked over at Paulette talking to Steph and felt his irritation grow. He'd told her to make amends with Rhonda and she'd point blank refused. Now Goose was giving him the cold shoulder as well.

'Paulette get your ass over here, we're starting the game.' She looked up smiling at him, and he frowned in response. He wished she wouldn't be so over eager all the time. Yeah he liked that she didn't back chat him in front of his friends the way Steph used to, but it annoyed him how she was always so amenable. He never knew what she was really thinking, and the way she'd put her happiness in his hands was almost suffocating.

'So we're back to playing girls against boys are we?' Paulette cooed as she sidled up to him.

'Well since Rhonda and Goose aren't here we'll have to,' he said. He couldn't believe the way she'd gone and fallen out with Rhonda, and over what? He didn't understand it, and neither did Goose. Both girls were being ridiculous.

'Rhonda's changed,' Paulette said flicking her hair back. 'I was telling Steph and Sharon.' Johnny groaned.

'Don't drag them into your fight.' 

'He has a point,' Steph piped up, and Paulette pouted. 'It's not our fight and actually, well I had a word with Sharon to try and get her to speak to Rhonda. Rhonda's really upset about it all-'

'And you're taking sides!' Paulette snapped. Steph shrugged.

'I don't think Rhonda did anything wrong, not really. Yeah she could have been more concerned, but then Sharon said she didn't realise how ill she was so she didn't say anything to Rhonda either.' Paulette scowled.

'Not only are you siding with Rhonda, you're bringing Sharon into it when she should be resting.'

'And you're not,' Steph retaliated. Johnny exchanged a look with Michael, both of them clearly thinking the same thing.

'Can we drop this and start the game,' Michael said. He grabbed Steph's arm and lowered his voice. 'Rhonda will sort it out with Paulette and Sharon when she's ready to.' Steph nodded slightly and Johnny breathed a sigh of relief as they took up their positions to play.

'Paulette's really got a bee in her bonnet hasn't she,' Michael murmured to him. Johnny watched Paulette getting ready to bowl. She'd had her roots touched up and he was kinda disappointed. Admittedly he preferred blondes, but he liked natural blondes. He'd rather Paulette go back to her natural light brown hair than the over bleached look she currently had. He didn't dare tell her though, she was so over sensitive.

'I don't know what the fight is even about,' Johnny admitted. 'I was there when she fell out with Rhonda but I just don't get it.' Michael nodded.

'Best stay out of it, you'll only wind up falling out with Goose otherwise.' 

'Yeah he's tried speaking to Rhonda and I've spoke to Paulette, but I'm done. They'll have to work it out for themselves.' He stopped talking as Paulette came and sat with them having just knocked down eight pins.

'So have you decided what you're gonna do Mike?' She fluttered her eyelashes. 'Are we gonna hear wedding bells?' Michael looked incredulous.

'No why'd you say that?'

'Oh I thought you two might get married, so you can stay in America.' Michael shrugged.

'I don't think Steph would be up for that.' He laughed, and Johnny joined in. He thought Michael had that right. Steph wasn't the marrying kind.

'Well that's what me and Johnny would do, if we were in the same boat as you and Steph.' If Johnny had been drinking he would have choked. What the hell was Paulette on about, no way would they be getting married!

'I think it's more complicated than that,' Michael said and Johnny breathed a sigh of relief. One, because Michael was letting Paulette know her idea was absurd, and two, because he didn't like the idea of Stephanie married to another guy. He checked himself, there were no other guys. He and Steph weren't together, she could do what she liked.

'I know it's complicated,' Paulette continued. 'I mean if you weren't a foreigner you wouldn't have to think about this stuff. I just think it might be an idea to get married, not to be married married, but just so you don't get deported.'

'Maybe,' Michael said looking at Steph who was bowling. Johnny frowned.

'Paulette why don't you let Steph and Mike explore their options without us sticking our oar in,' he said trying not to sound annoyed. 'I know if it was me and you, I'd want us to figure it out by ourselves.'

'But we'd get married Johnny,' Paulette said touching his ring that she wore around her neck. He was touched that she wore it, and also a little ashamed. The ring meant nothing to him, so he'd given it to Paulette as a token of his affection and she was treating it as if it was so much more. He liked her, really liked her, but the way she came on so strong at times had him running in the opposite direction.

'Paulette, Davey and Dolores might be walking down the aisle before us, don't get ahead of yourself.' He tried to sound lighthearted, while Davey turned around looking at him like he was crazy.

'But Johnny,' Paulette said sweetly, twirling her hair around her finger. 'We will be walking down the aisle.' Michael and Davey laughed assuming it was a joke but Johnny wasn't so sure.

'We haven't been going steady that long, I think I should leave it to Goose or Dimucci to pop the question first.' They'd both been going steady a lot longer, Paulette couldn't argue with that. She turned to him smiling.

'Don't you think if they were thinking along those lines they'd have proposed already? Face it Johnny, me and you, Steph and Mike, we're the only serious couples around here.' Johnny felt the blood leave his face.

'Actually I don't think that true,' Michael said coming to his rescue. 'I've seen how Louis is around Sharon, like at the hospital, I think if anyone's going to propose it's him.' Paulette pouted.

'No if that was gonna happened he'd have done it by now. He probably feels sorry for Sharon, and guilty, but they're past their sell by date. Me and Johnny will be next.' She looked at Johnny expectantly and he cringed. Was she for real? Did she expect him to drop down on his knee in the bowling alley? Looking at her face he guessed she did. He got up to take his turn thinking no way on earth would that be happening any time soon.


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