Chapter 21

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"Hey, are you going to lunch?" Davey called out to Michael as he was trying to make a quick getaway from class.

"Yeah, Steph said she'd meet me since I'm free the next two hours."

"Cool," Davey said falling into step beside him. "Listen, I was wondering. If I needed a bit of help with my essays...." Michael inwardly groaned.

"Look I don't mind helping but I'm not going to write your essays for you, those days are over." He gave Davey a hard look.

"That's ok, but if I need some ugh assistance..."

"Yeah sure, just ask," Michael said eager to get rid of him. "Anyway, it's Steph's day off, she said she'd meet me here for lunch. Give her a chance to see what she's missing." He gave Davey a wry look but he smiled in return.

"That's cool, why don't I join you guys? We can give her the guided tour when you're done eating." Michael opened his mouth to object but what could he say? The cafeteria was a public place, he couldn't bar Davey out.


Steph raised an eyebrow at Michael as she took a seat beside him, then tilted her head in Davey's direction.

"I'll explain," he whispered as the cafeteria began to fill up. She pulled a face but remained silent and he breathed a sigh of relief. He was annoyed at the intrusion but making a scene wouldn't help.

"So you're not tempted by college life?" Davey asked her taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Michael's the brains," she said smiling in his direction.

"I hope that doesn't mean you're the brawn," he joked and Davey laughed although it wasn't that funny. The cafeteria was filling up rapidly, and he saw Paulette and Sharon also heading their way. He shot Steph an apologetic look but she didn't seem as annoyed to see them as she was Davey.

"Well don't you two look preppy," she said. "Where're your jackets?"

"That might look kinda dumb Steph," Paulette said with a frown.

"Relax, I'm joking."

"Oh right, of course," Paulette said still frowning. "So you've come to scope the place out? I wish Johnny would show some interest."

"He's at work Paulette," Sharon pointed out, and Michael felt a little envious. He'd rather be doing something more productive with his time than more essays.

"Yeah he sure works hard," Paulette said and Michael wondered if it was a bit of a dig.

"So I don't suppose Louis is free to come for a guided tour either," he said looking at Sharon. She sighed shaking her head.

"No, he finishes a bit earlier on Friday's but I'm done by two anyway. At least he picks me up though."

"You know I can't believe Rhonda didn't enrol," Paulette said interrupting. "It's such a drag getting the bus." Michael began to laugh and then he realised Paulette was serious.

"Rhonda has her own life," Steph said quickly. "She's not there for your transportation."

"I know, I'm just saying it's a drag. And what's she doing anyway? Trying to get a job waitressing, what a waste." Michael could see Steph was getting irritated and he grabbed her hand under the table and squeezed it.

"Maybe Rhonda wants to take some time out to consider her options," he said and felt Steph squeeze his hand back.

"What options?" Paulette asked trying to flick her short hair back. "She doesn't exactly have any. There's college, some dumb job or getting married."

"I can't see her getting married any time soon," Sharon added as she fiddled with her cigarette holder. Michael could see it was empty and guessed it was a nervous habit she had.

"One of the twins got engaged at the prom," Paulette said. "I think once you hit the one year mark with a relationship it's make or break." Michael saw a look of momentary displeasure flash across Sharon's face, he didn't know how long she'd been with Louis but it was definitely over a year.

"Paulette where do you come up with this shit," Steph said her brows furrowed. "Honestly there are no rules." She squeezed Michael's hand again, and he noticed Sharon visibly relax. Paulette's words had obviously hit a nerve with her.

"But you can't date forever Steph," Paulette insisted. "You've gotta move onto the next level."

"Yeah but the idea that you date for some arbitrary period of time is silly. Going by your timescale it'd be a year of dating, then marriage, then a baby nine months later, then ten years of diapers!"

"Ten years," Sharon said raising her eyebrow and Steph laughed.

"It will be for you, Louis is from a large family. I bet you'll have at least five kids." Michael laughed along with Davey while Sharon frowned.

"I think three babies would be enough, two boys and a girl." Michael looked at Steph and they both tried not to laugh.

"I see you've already planned it," Steph said teasing Sharon whose cheeks turned pink.

"No," she said digging her cigarette holder into the table. "No, I haven't." Steph glanced at Michael, and he shook his head ever so slightly. Obviously Sharon had given it some thought, and it was clearly a sensitive subject.

"So are you still banned from seeing Louis?" Paulette asked not picking up on the atmosphere. 

"In theory," Sharon said now twirling a strand of hair around her finger. "But mom stays over at Arthur's most Friday and Saturday nights so he still comes over. She gave me my key back when I said I'd tell dad."

"Oh you lucky thing," Paulette trilled. "I wish I had the house to myself. What I'd do with Johnny." Everyone laughed but it was a bit forced, and Michael was relieved when Davey, Sharon and Paulette eventually finished eating and left the table.

"God," Steph said letting out a deep breath. "I love Paulette but she's hard work, it's dig, dig, dig all the time with her."

"Well you know her better than I do," Michael said mildly. Steph bit her lip.

"I know Johnny as well, and I kinda have a dilemma." Michael felt his stomach drop and Steph smiled indulgently. "Nothing like that, god what do you take me for. No, I heard some gossip about Johnny but it's not really gossip."

"I'm not following."

"I have it on good account that during senior year when Paulette and Johnny were kinda dating but not official he was seeing other girls. I don't think she knows, I'm almost certain she doesn't. She just thought he wouldn't get serious with her cos of me." She flushed. "Urgh that sounded bigheaded."

"No it didn't but what's the big deal now?"

"Well Paulette's falling hard for him, and it's under false pretences." Michael frowned, he wasn't sure it was an issue.

"But Steph, if Johnny's going steady with her now, and he was seeing girls when they weren't....well I'd stay out of it."

"But if I was her I'd want to know," Steph insisted. "Paulette thought Johnny wasn't interested in anyone, not that he wanted to play the field. He lied or misled her. I think she should know so she goes into this with her eyes open."

"As Johnny's ex you should stay out of it," he said knowing he was copping out of really thinking the issue through. "If Paulette were to find out she should hear it from anybody but you." 


"No I'm right," he said feeling more certain. Paulette was bound to shoot the messenger and he didn't want that person to be Stephanie.

"Well, I guess that leaves it to Sharon or Rhonda to tell her," Steph said with a sigh. Michael shook his head.

"She should hear it from Johnny, if anyone's going to tell her it should be him."


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