Chapter 33

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After a fitful nights sleep, Steph crept down to the kitchen just after six o'clock. She was desperate to call Michael's aunt but it was too early, especially on a Sunday morning. She'd called Paulette again before leaving Johnny's house and hadn't reached her either. Something had to have happened to the pair of them.

She filled the kettle with water, hoping a cup of coffee would wake her up. She was exhausted but sleep was impossible. She sat in silence contemplating what might have happened. Paulette had been distraught, and Michael had been drinking, maybe Paulette had made a pass and he'd succumbed. It didn't seem likely but what was the alternative? They could have gone on somewhere and lost track of time...that had to be a possibility as well. Michael wasn't usually thoughtless but there was a first time for everything.

She sat brooding, her eyes on the clock as she willed the time to pass. Once it got to nine she'd start making calls, it might still be early but she could at least pretend to Paulette that she wanted to wish her a happy birthday since it was her actual birthday.

"Are you still fretting?" her mom asked joining her in the kitchen. "I told you last night, Mike's probably having fun with his friends."

"All his friends were at the party," she reminded her mom trying to keep the exasperation out of her voice. "Let me make you a coffee." She could keep her hands busy if nothing else.

Her mom switched the radio on, and Steph winced as she tried to tune in a station. She was so fraught the crackling pierced her head.

"Turn that down mom," she said placing a cup of coffee in front of her. Her mom frowned but she turned the radio down fractionally as the news came on. Steph listened, barely taking in any of the reports until the station switched to the local news. The reporter announced loudly and slowly that they had the latest update on a road traffic accident that had occurred the previous evening. "Turn that up!"

"We can now report that there were two fatalities following the head-on collision between a truck and a car on Dartmouth Way yesterday evening. Police said both victims were pronounced dead at the scene. A further three casualties were taken to hospital where we understand their conditions to be serious. There is no further information at this time, and police are appealing for any witnesses to come forward."

"It's Michael, it's gotta be Michael," Steph wailed, terror struck.

"No," her mom said shaking her head. "You said Mike gave Paulette a ride home? So he was on his bike." Steph looked at her blankly. "Right, well that report said it was an accident involving a car and a truck. Not a bike."

Steph looked up. "The reporter could have made a mistake; car, bike, it's an easy slip up to make."

Her mom opened her mouth as if she was going to object but then she smiled softly. "I'm going to ring the local hospital, only to put your mind at rest."

Stephanie gave her a small nod, and her mom went through to the living room where the phone was plugged in. Steph heard her dialling, and she had to swallow down her anxiety before she was sick. As she strained to hear her mom a sharp knock at the door startled her. She jumped out of her chair, running to answer. Please let it be Michael, she prayed as she yanked the door open.

"Hello Stephanie," Sandy said her face sombre. "Can I come in?"

Stephanie was rooted to the spot as she regarded Michael's cousin. "What's happened to Michael?"

Sandy reached her hand out but Steph stepped back not wanting to be touched. "Michael was in an accident last night," Sandy said her voice quivering. "He came off his bike."

Stephanie gulped. "Is he dead?" She couldn't believe how calm she sounded.

"No, no, he isn't. But he's in a bad way Stephanie, I think you should come to the hospital with me."

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