Chapter 40

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"I can't help feeling guilty even being here," Steph said as she sat down at the back of the church next to Rhonda. Sharon and her family were already seated at the front, and Steph was a little relieved that she hadn't had to speak to her yet. She had no idea what to say.

"Why would you feel guilty?' Rhonda asked her brows furrowed. "Sharon would want us to be here."

Steph looked towards the coffin and shuddered, Michael had come perilously close to being in one himself. "Maybe guilty is the wrong word. I'm so relieved that Michael has survived, and touch wood his leg will be okay, that I keep forgetting Sharon has lost her mom. I've barely thought about what she's been going through."

"That's understandable, you've been worried about Michael," Rhonda whispered.

"And that's the other thing, we're all responsible for the crash." She let out a sigh. "I mean not you, obviously, but me, Paulette and Johnny. That's twice now I've put Michael in danger."

Rhonda looked at her blankly for a moment, and then slowly nodded. "The motorcycle chase was down to Johnny, not you, and if anyone is guilty about the crash, it's Paulette."

Steph's mouth formed a grim line as her eyes landed on Paulette who was taking a seat on the other side of the aisle. She raised her hand, smiling nervously, but Steph couldn't bring herself to return the gesture. She guessed she'd have to forgive Paulette eventually, however, today was not the day.

"Did you hear she split up with Johnny?" Rhonda asked.

Steph's eyes widened. "No," she exclaimed before quickly covering her mouth when a woman sitting in front of her spun around and gave her a stern glare. "Tell me about it later, it looks like things are about to get started." She turned her eyes to the front of the church as the service was about to begin.


Stephanie had been in two minds about whether to go along to the wake. However when she hadn't managed to catch Sharon's eye as she left the church the decision was made for her. If Sharon didn't know she'd attended then there was no point her even being there.

"I can't believe Sharon's dad is acting as chief mourner," Rhonda said watching Robert formally greet people as they arrived. Steph had to admit he was putting on a good act, she'd been shocked when he'd delivered the eulogy, but maybe that was for his children's benefit.

"At least Sharon's stepmom isn't here," Steph said looking around. "Now that would be bad taste."

"There's still time for her to arrive."

"I guess. Let's get a drink." She led Rhonda to a table where drinks were being served by a woman she didn't recognise. She knew she was delaying speaking to Sharon, telling herself that she'd have more important people she'd be expected to speak to first.

"Shall we go and see Sharon?" Rhonda asked as if sensing her thoughts. "Although she seems pretty occupied, that's Louis's mom she's with isn't it?"

Steph squinted looking across the room. Sharon was standing with her arm linked through Louis's talking to an older woman. Her face was partially obscured by a small half veil that stopped just past her eyes and Stephanie could not read her expression.

"Her outfit's kinda over the top," Rhonda whispered. "She looks like she's playing a part."

"Maybe she is," Steph murmured. "They probably all are." She glanced at Sharon's dad again, looking sorrowful, and at her sister who was carefully dabbing her eyes. She assumed Sharon's brother was somewhere in the room, probably keeping his distance from their dad.

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