Chapter 7

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Michael looked despondently at his tea, he was meeting Steph in about hour and he didn't relish the conversation they would inevitably have to have. Since he'd told her he might be going back to England they'd studiously avoided the subject but he knew it would have to be raised. If he was to consider staying in California for her then he needed to know how she felt. He wasn't prepared to potentially jeopardize his future if she wasn't even serious about him. It would hurt but he'd rather make a clean break than persevere with something that her heart wasn't in.

'Are you not eating?' his aunt Edna asked interrupting his thoughts.

'Sorry, I was just thinking.' He made himself take a mouthful of food not wanting to appear ungrateful.

'Ah,' his aunt looked at him concerned. 'This wouldn't be about that girl of yours would it.' He smiled ruefully at the description, Steph was no one's girl.

'Kind of, it's more whether or not I want to go back to England. If I do then it's over with Steph, but if I don't, well it still could be over anyway.' His aunt frowned not understanding. 'Steph's not the settling down type.'

'Hypothetically say it doesn't work out, you can still go back home. England's not going anywhere.' He smiled.

'Well when you put it like that...' However he wasn't entirely convinced, he'd been accepted into the local college but there was also the not insignificant obstacle of getting his visa extended.

'And you can stay with us for as long as you like,' his aunt added. Michael nodded, he appreciated she was trying to keep his options open for him but it was a long time since he'd seen his parents. He wasn't sure if wanted to stay.


Stephanie was already at the diner when Michael arrived. It wasn't like her to be early but he guessed she might be hungry since she'd just finished her shift. He knew he shouldn't have eaten earlier but his aunt had already made tea.

'Hey,' she called waving him over, and he could see she had a burger in front of her.

'Hi,' he said sitting down and glancing at her food.

'Sorry I was starving.' Michael shuck his head smiling.

'No it's fine, I've already eaten, I was thinking I'd have to apologise to you. You know what Edna's like, she sees it as her duty to keep me fed.' Steph laughed.

'I wish my mom was half as attentive, you know I do a full shift at the service station and she still expects me to help with dinner.' She pulled a face repeating a familiar complaint, her dad came home and put his feet up, she had to help out.

'You don't have to work there, your dad could employ someone,' Michael suggested tentatively. Stephanie pulled a face.

'My dad could do that but I'd have to find another job, and I'd still be coming home and having to help out. At least working for my dad gives me a bit of flexibility.' Michael wasn't so sure about that but he wasn't about to argue. He braced himself to raise the subject of his potential departure.

'Oh have you heard the latest about Sharon?' Steph asked surprising him.


'She's in hospital. Remember how she wasn't at the Bowlarama last Saturday, well it turned out she had appendicitis. I can't believe none of the guys have told you.' Michael shrugged, he didn't really have much to do with 'the guys', they were Steph's friends not his.

'So how's Sharon?' he asked.

'I'm not sure, I tried calling her mom but I got no answer. Paulette said she's still in hospital though, she was the one who told me.' That figured, Michael thought, Paulette was always first with all the gossip.

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