Chapter 31

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Michael opened the front door for Paulette, briefly glancing at Steph before stepping outside. 

Nice of her to volunteer him to take Paulette home.

"Hey, don't take too long," she called.

"I'll be straight there and back." She nodded and he gave her the thumbs up sign before closing the door behind him.

"You don't have to do this, I can walk," Paulette said scowling as she looked at the closed front door. "You'd think Johnny would come after me, wouldn't you?"

"He probably thinks it's best to give you some space. It did get pretty intense in there."

Now there was an understatement!  

He walked over to his bike, getting the keys out of his pocket. He was about to get on when Paulette took a step back.

"I made a total fool of myself, didn't I?" She pulled her cardigan around herself. "No wonder Johnny hasn't come after me, I wanted to make us closer but I've pushed him even further away."

Michael couldn't help feeling sorry for her as she stood there biting her lip, in many ways he emphasised with her. He'd spent most of the twelfth grade trying to get Stephanie's attention, and she'd done the same with Johnny. Both of them had tried to make themselves into what they thought someone else wanted. The only difference was Paulette was competing against Stephanie for Johnny's affections and he was competing against some idealised notion of the perfect guy.

"You need to give Johnny a bit more time and space to realise what's under his nose," he said climbing onto the back of his bike. "He does really like you, Paulette. I know this party was a bit of a washout but he was genuinely trying to do something special for your birthday."

"I just wanted a bit of thought put into my present," she said, her voice despondent. "And I wanted to do something that was just the two of us."

Michael nodded although he suspected she was lying to herself. Her reaction to Sharon and Louis's engagement proved it went a lot deeper than that.

"Are you getting on?" he asked as she continued to stand beside him.

"I actually hate riding on bikes," she admitted sitting on the side of his bike and tucking her skirt underneath her.

"Erm, it would probably be safer if you sat with your legs on either side of the seat," Michael said frowning. "You don't seem very secure sat like that."

She shook her head. "I'm wearing a dress, I have to sit side saddle." 

"Like Lady Godiva?" he chuckled.


"You know, Lady Godiva. She rode through the streets of England naked on horseback to protest against her husband's taxes. Or something like that."

"I don't think I've heard of her," Paulette said uncertainly. "I guess that would be one way for me to get Johnny's attention, I could ride naked on your bike."

Michael laughed, not entirely sure she was joking. "Let's get going, this rain is really starting to come down, and you're going to get drenched."

"That's okay, do you wanna go back and get your helmet? At least it'll keep your hair dry."

Michael paused. He always wore his crash helmet, unlike the other guys, however, he'd left it in the kitchen and they'd delayed enough already. "It's okay, a bit of rain won't hurt me." He turned the engine on and kicked the bike into life. "Now hold on tight, I'll soon get you home."


Michael rode slowly as he adjusted to Paulette's weight on his bike. He was used to having Steph as a passenger and she spread her weight evenly, she didn't sit side saddle; he could well imagine how she'd scoff if anyone ever suggested she did. He kept his eyes on the road ahead, the rain was coming down more heavily and reducing his visibility. 

The sooner he got back to the party the better. He could well imagine Johnny would be chatting Steph up in his absence. It was the same old story, Johnny messed up, and everyone else had to clean up.

He began to pick up speed as he entered a stretch of open road, the lighting was poor and there wasn't another soul to be seen. He felt Paulette's hands tighten around his waist but he knew this stretch of road like the back of his hand, he could find his way along it blindfolded.

He twisted his head around. "Relax, we're almost there," he shouted to Paulette. She yelled something back that he couldn't make out as he faced forward again.

He pressed his foot to the pedal picking up speed. He felt the wind pinch against his face, his hair flying back, and he was reminded that he should have worn his crash helmet. Still, this was only a short journey and he it wouldn't hurt to live a little.

Paulette tightened her grip around his waist again, and he eased off the accelerator not wanting to alarm her. They rode at a steady pace, and he took a moment to appreciate the skyline. The sun was setting, turning the sky orange and black, and it would have been perfect if not for the rain clouds. He glanced at Paulette, as if wanting to share his thoughts.

When he turned his attention back to the road he froze. A truck was heading straight towards them, on the one-way street. He told himself it wasn't possible even as his eyes were blinded by the headlights of the truck. His foot hit the brake and he wondered if he'd somehow taken a wrong turn.

He heard a horn sound loudly, and Paulette screamed in his ear, while he attempted to swerve around the truck. His bike veered dangerously to one side, and he struggled to keep it upright. Impossibly they seemed to be picking up speed. He felt as if the bike was being pulled out from under him, and he could no longer hold onto the handlebars.

He was falling, the bike running away from him.

He hit the ground with a thud, the force of the impact making him roll and he was powerless against its momentum. Finally, he stopped moving, his face ground into the dirt. He tried to lift his head, looking desperately around him for Paulette.

Fighting against the pain he twisted his head to the side and then he saw her.

She was lying motionless behind him. Blood turning her blonde hair red.

He reached out but the darkness overcame him....


Thanks for reading :)

This is only a short chapter, it didn't seem right to put in anyone else's story in for now.

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