Chapter 2

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Johnny parked up at Paulette's house, and she reluctantly let go of him and got off his bike. She hated having to say goodbye.

'Oh, my folks aren't home. Why don't you come in for a while,' she said, spotting that their car wasn't on the drive.

'I dunno, it's getting late,' Johnny said sounding reluctant. Paulette smiled through her disappointment.

'Come on, it's the weekend tomorrow, you don't have to be up early.' She could see him considering, no doubt weighing up if it was worth running into her parents. He knew her mom especially did not like him, not approving of Paulette taking on Stephanie's cast off.

'Ok, I'll come in for one drink,' he said, and she smiled linking her arm through his. These days she couldn't stop smiling, thinking her perseverance had finally paid off. She let them in and Johnny went through to the the living room.

'Hey Dolores,' she heard him say to her sister and she grimaced. She'd hoped Dolores would be in bed. And was that Davey's voice? She really wasn't sure what she made of her sister having a boyfriend, a considerably older boyfriend. She grabbed some drinks from the fridge for her and Johnny and joined them in the living room.

'Where's mom and dad got to?' She couldn't believe they'd left Dolores alone with Davey even if he was harmless.

'They went out for dinner.'

'Right and they left you alone,' Paulette said reverting to big sister mode. Dolores scowled at her.

'I don't need a baby sitter ok.' 

'So that's not what Davey's doing,' Johnny said grinning, and Davey looked uncomfortable.

'So how did it go at the Bowlarama,' he asked awkwardly, obviously desperate to change the subject.

'We won as usual,' Johnny said smugly.

'And Sharon left in a huff,' Paulette added laughing. Davey grinned.

'Really? She threw a temper tantrum cos she lost the game!' They all laughed.

'Well she said she was tired,' Paulette conceded. 'I dunno, everyone's getting a bit weird lately. I think Sharon and Rhonda are jealous of me and Stephanie cos their relationships are going nowhere unlike ours.' She snuggled up to Johnny but he pulled away frowning.

'I wouldn't say that. Don't gossip Paulette, it's not cool.' She smiled tightly, not happy at the reprimand.

'I'm not gossiping Johnny, I sympathise. For Sharon especially it must be hard. She's been with Louis for ages and they're going nowhere.' Johnny shrugged.

'Well that's down to Sharon. We all know Lou's really into her but she keeps knocking him back, I'd have bailed on her a long time ago if I was him.'

'Yeah you can't let a chick call the shots,' Davey added, and Dolores elbowed him. Paulette shuck her head.

'The point is Rhonda and Sharon's relationships are floundering and we're going from strength to strength.' She ignored Davey and Dolores smirking at each other, she knew what she meant. She might have got off to a rocky start with Johnny but surely they were stronger for it?

'Well we might be,' Johnny said sounding bored. 'But not Steph and Shakespeare. What did you think of his little bombshell?'

'What bombshell?' Dolores demanded.

'He's going back to England.' Dolores's mouth dropped open.

'He might be,' Paulette said tightly, she been trying to push that little piece of information to the back of her mind. She did not want Stephanie on the market again.

'Paulette I don't know how these things work but I'd guess he has no choice,' Johnny said. 'If he was only here for high school then it makes sense he has to leave now he's graduated.'

'He said he'd look into it, I'm sure they're other ways he could stay. Like he could get a works visa or something,' she said optimistically.

'Well he'll need to get a job,' Davey laughed. 'They're not gonna let him stay if he's just bumming around.'

'Like you you mean,' Johnny mocked. Davey was going to college whereas Johnny, Louis and Goose had found work.

'Hey I could get a job but my folks wanted me to go to college.' 

'And I'll be going to secretarial college,' Paulette said coming to Davey's defence.

'It's different for girls,' Johnny said. 'You'll work for a few years and then have a baby, Davey should be getting out there and making some money. Not living off his parents.' Paulette could see Davey was getting offended.

'Well maybe Stephanie will go to England with Michael. That would be so romantic.'

'Nah she wouldn't leave her dad,' Johnny said. Stephanie's dad relied on her helping him out at his service station, and the plan had always been that one day Steph would take it over. Paulette knew there was a time when Johnny thought he'd have been helping her. And it was a good word from Steph's dad that had helped Johnny secure his apprenticeship.

'Well I feel sorry for Michael,' Dolores said. 'Steph's out of his league, he's just too dumb to see it.' Paulette knew Dolores liked Stephanie the least out of her friends. She thought Steph was a stuck up flake who tried to lord her good looks over everyone.

'Steph's ok,' Johnny said and Paulette couldn't help pouting. She didn't want to hear him coming to the defense of his ex girlfriend.

'Yeah but who'd have thought she'd wind up with Shakespeare,' Davey said. None of them could get their heads around it. Steph was cool, Michael was ok but he'd never be cool. And Michael was smart, no one would accuse Steph of being smart.

'Opposites attract,' Paulette suggested. 'And Michael's in love, I'm sure he'll find a way for them to be together.' Dolores made a gagging gesture and Davey snickered.

'Maybe Steph'll marry him, then he can stay in America.' Paulette broke into a broad smile.

'You know they could just do that! It makes perfect sense, they love each other and they want to be together. Or maybe they could get married and move to England!' Dolores rolled her eyes, and Paulette knew she could see through her. Of course Paulette wanted Stephanie completely off limits for Johnny.

'Lets keep out of it,' Johnny said. 'It's up to them to figure out so don't go suggesting anything to Steph.' Johnny gave Paulette a hard look and she felt her good mood fading.

'I want Steph to be happy Johnny, and if this is a way...'

'Then Stephanie and Michael will work it out,' Johnny said. 'Don't push any ideas on them, it'd probably be a disaster if they rushed into getting married.' Davey and Dolores nodded, backing Johnny up but Paulette found herself doubting his reasoning. What if he didn't want Stephanie to marry Michael because he was still carrying a torch for himself? She looked at him, and he smiled, wrapping his arm around her. She snuggled into him trying to ignore the familiar sinking feeling in her chest. Just when she thought they'd moved on....


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