Chapter 12

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Sharon yawned as Paulette dragged her around the mall. Paulette was insisting they should update their look for college but so far they'd been in about five stores and purchased nothing.

"We can't turn up in our pink lady jackets," Paulette pointed out, and Sharon agreed with her on that score. They'd be nobodies at college, back at the bottom of the pile.

"I don't even want to go," Sharon finally admitted. "I'm sick of school work, I'd rather get a job." Not that either of her parents would hear of it, she was too young to be sullied by the world of work.

"Well do a practical course like me," Paulette said. "It's just something to fill the time till we're married."

"You think Johnny's going to propose?" Sharon asked. She couldn't see that happening but she kept reminding herself that she didn't know how Johnny was when he was alone with Paulette, maybe she saw a different side to him.

"I don't see Johnny getting down on one knee," Paulette admitted as she looked through a rail of red dresses. "But we'll soon be married. We're perfect for each other, look how close we've gotten in such a short space of time."

"I guess," Sharon said biting her tongue. It was hardly a short space of time if you took into account how long Johnny and Paulette had been casually dating.

"So what about you and Louis?" Paulette gave her a sly look and Sharon felt her heckles go up, Paulette was always trying to imply her relationship was going nowhere.

"Actually Louis wants me to move in with him as soon as he can afford to move out of his parents house." Paulette's mouth dropped open, and Sharon looked away regretting saying anything. Paulette grabbed her arm.

"You'd move in with him without getting married? Sharon I don't think that's wise...." Sharon bit her lip.

"I haven't said yes, and we haven't discussed whether that implies getting married first." She grabbed a dress from the rails. "I think it's better to wait to be asked, don't you?" Now Paulette frowned, clearly perturbed by her news.

"But Sharon, I didn't think you and Louis were that close, I mean you haven't..." Sharon glared at her and she didn't continue.

"I think I'll go try this dress on," Sharon said ignoring what Paulette was trying to say.

"Yeah it'll look nice on you," Paulette said frowning. "But about Louis, don't you think you're rushing things, without really knowing him?" Sharon paused, and turned back around.

"Of course I know him Paulette! We've been going steady since junior year." Her eyes narrowed slightly. "I probably shouldn't say this but I honestly think you should consider your own relationship. How well do you know Johnny?" She turned on her heels before Paulette could answer, Rhonda's earlier words ringing in her ears. Someone needed to warn Paulette but she was deaf, dumb, and blind when it came to Johnny Nogerelli.


Sharon was relieved when Paulette got the bus home, she was tired and Paulette's constant wittering on was giving her a headache. When Paulette wasn't singing Johnny's praises she was putting down everyone else's relationships. Sharon knew it was down to her own insecurities but she was tired of biting her tongue. She made her way to Benny's burger bar where she'd made plans to meet Rhonda. She'd told Paulette she was meeting Louis to avoid any more trouble.

"I wish you two would make up," she said joining Rhonda at the table. Rhonda gave her a weary smile.

"Give me time, I can handle her in small doses but the emphasis is on small." Sharon laughed, she knew where Rhonda was coming from.

"To be honest Rhon, you always had far more patience than me where Paulette was concerned, what's changed?" Rhonda took a drag on her cigarette.

"I dunno, maybe I have?" She shrugged. "I'm really not sure. Everyone thinks she's been a pain since her and Johnny have been going steady, and she has. I don't know if she's showing her true colours or maybe I didn't see it before cos I felt sorry for her."

"You felt sorry for Paulette?" Sharon almost couldn't see it. Paulette was attractive, way out of Rhonda's league in the looks department.

"Yeah cos she wanted the guy who didn't want her." Rhonda blew a bubble of cigarette smoke, and Sharon leaned back. "Like I've got Goose, and he's an ass, but he's mine. Paulette and Johnny..." Sharon cleared her throat.

"Is there something you're not saying?" She was dying to know what Rhonda had meant the other night, and despite interrogating Louis she was still none the wiser.

"Well after Johnny and Steph split up Johnny was kinda in limbo," Rhonda said taking another drag on her cigarette. "Well apparently he hooked up with quite a few girls, all the time he and Paulette were dating. I mean they weren't going steady but Johnny would drag Goose on these nights out..."

"Hold up, and you were ok with Goose going along?" Rhonda shrugged.

"Not exactly but it was Johnny who was on the prowl, and he got with quite a few other girls. Paulette thought he wasn't over Steph but he was getting consoled elsewhere." Sharon let out a long sigh.

"I can't say I'm surprised, but if Paulette knew, well that'd be like saying she wasn't good enough or something." She frowned, not sure what to make of it.

"I know," Rhonda said stubbing out her cigarette. "She was offering it on a plate..." 

"Well maybe Johnny didn't want to use her?" Sharon wasn't sure why she was trying to defend Johnny, except he was Louis's friend and how different were they? She pulled her cardigan around herself, bracing herself for what she was about to suggest.

"Ahem Rhonda, would it be ok if I were to tell my mom I was staying with you one weekend?" Rhonda's eyes widened, and she frowned.

"I guess, I mean you have before so what's the big deal?"

"Well I wouldn't be staying with you, I'd be going away." Sharon bit her lip hoping her trust in Rhonda wasn't misplaced.

"Going away with Louis?" Sharon nodded, glad she didn't have to explain.

"Just for the weekend, cos we barely see each other now he's working, and the chances are my mom wouldn't be around anyway but I'd rather tell her I was staying with a friend than have her worry. Not that she would." She exhaled deeply, it was all too complicated. If she could tell her mom it would be easier, it wasn't like her mom would be around to miss her anyway.

"Oh my god, does this mean what I think it does?" Sharon felt her cheeks heating up.

"No, it doesn't mean anything. I've asked if you'll cover for me, that's all." It was nothing to do with Rhonda what the purpose of their weekend away might be.

"Well ok, I can cover I guess," Rhonda said sounding uncertain. "But are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"I'm not doing anything," Sharon insisted. "At least not what you're thinking."


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