Chapter 28

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"Just look at Paulette's face," Stephanie hissed to Michael as she surreptitiously watched Paulette who was stood with her arm around Johnny. She was wearing a big smile as Davey wished her happy birthday, and then she laughed uproariously, making Stephanie wince.

"She seems happy enough to me," Michael said looking over the tip of his glass and not seeing anything amiss. 

"I'm not convinced, I think she's acting." She waved across the room to Sharon, and she came over with Louis at her heels. "Do you think Paulette likes her surprise?" she asked knowing Sharon would be eager to share her opinion.

Sharon chewed on her cigarette holder as she watched the group that had formed around Paulette. "I hope she does," she said but doubt crept into her voice. "What do you think Louis?"

Louis narrowed his eyes. "I think it's gone exactly how I told you it would."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sharon snapped, and Steph rolled her eyes at Michael.

Louis shrugged. "I told you she wouldn't be grateful, you've totally wasted your time."

Sharon's cheeks flushed and Steph jumped in before they could start rowing. "That wasn't what I meant. Not exactly. I just get the impression that Paulette's disappointed, like she was expecting something else when Johnny brought her back here." She could have sworn that Paulette was smiling when she entered the room, and that the smile momentarily fell from her face when she realised what was happening.

"Well, she did want a ring," Sharon said glancing at the emerald on her own finger. "So in that sense, it was never going to live up to her expectations."

"Like I said, it was a waste of time," Louis said smirking, and Sharon scowled back at him.

"Will you stop being so mean to me all the time!"

"I'm not-"

"Yes you are," Sharon said pushing past him. "I'm going to talk to someone else." Louis gaped at her as she flounced over to the other side of the room and joined a group of guys who Stephanie didn't recognise. Probably college kids. She exchanged an awkward look with Michael, and Louis shrugged his shoulders before walking off in the opposite direction to Sharon.

"Jeez what was all that about?" Steph said. Talk about a miserable party.

"No idea," Michael said. "It sounded like something's been brewing."

"Or Sharon's just being a drama queen as usual," she said watching Sharon. She had her head thrown back as she laughed at something one of the college guys was saying to her, her voice carrying across the room so Louis couldn't miss it. Stephanie couldn't decide out of her and Paulette which one of them was the worst actress.

"Why don't you go see Paulette," Michael suggested. "I'll get us both a refill." He took her glass so she reluctantly made her way over to Johnny and Paulette. They still had their arms around each other but she could see Paulette's smile was forced.

"Hi guys," she said giving Paulette a quick hug. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks," Paulette cooed, the corners of her mouth rising even higher. "I can't believe Johnny went to all this trouble for me. I had no idea!"

"Yeah we were all sure Dolores would blab," Steph said briefly glancing at Paulette's sister. She had been surprisingly discreet.

"She never even dropped a hint," Paulette said with a small frown. "Or none that I picked up on."

"Well Davey was under pain of death to keep her quiet," Johnny said with a laugh.

"You should go thank him," Paulette said dropping her arm from his waist.

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