Prologue (Revised)

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A/N: This is a revised chapter. Much better than the last piece of crap that was uploaded. Lol. Please leave a review, favorite, all that good jazz.

Chapter 1: Prologue (Revised)

March 16, 2009

“Agent Reed, do you have a visual on the target?”  The masculine voice said coming into my ear piece.

"Negative sir, will advise when I have a clear shot."


It was a hectic night at Santa Clara. My partner and I have been working on this case for two long months.  It was finally getting to the point where we thought we’d hit a dead end. As luck would have it, we received a tip today and had enough probable cause to bring the subject in. However, it seemed like he had a different scheme in mind.

So I wouldn’t call it lucky anymore. When we came to make our big arrest, the subject went bonkers and pulled a gun on his children, holding them captive in their own home. After several hours of negotiating with the subject, he refused to listen to a word we had to say, so we were ordered to try another approach. The ‘last resort’ as we called it.

I could hear my phone buzzing constantly in my breast pocket of my vest, but there was no time to check the incoming call or even move from my spot. I had to keep my eyes trained on the target and wait for that split second he’ll drop his guard so I could take my shot, the one shot that would end this horrific event.  

14 hours ago:

"Hailey, baby it’s time for breakfast!" I shouted up the stairs.

"Coming mom!" She yelled.

I smiled when I heard her little feet patter down the stairs as she made her way towards the table. “Morning baby, did you sleep well?” I asked as I placed her plate gently in front of her. She looked up at me and gave me the most breath taking smile that always made my heart stop.

"Mmmph." She said with her mouth full.

I giggled at her and took a seat down in front of her and started to eat. Breakfast was always Hailey's favorite meal of the day, the smell of freshly made pancakes, scrambled eggs and bacon always seemed to make her happy. So every morning, I would get up and make them for her.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, I noticed the babysitter was running late. Sighing, I got up from the kitchen table and made my way over the counter and placed my plate in the sink. Then there was a sudden knocking on the door. Sighing in relief, knowing the babysitter made it. I opened the door and let her in.

"You're late Sarah" I said in disappointment.

"Yeah sorry, traffic was crazy this morning, seemed like there was an accident on the interstate." She said.

Glancing at the clock once more, I decided I needed to get a move on or I would never hear the end of it from Miller. "Hailey, baby, don't forget I'm working late tonight okay. There’s left over’s in the fridge or money in the jar if you want to order out.”

Hailey nodded and I quickly gave her a kiss on the forehead and made my way to the door, but before exiting, I turned to Sarah. "I left all my work numbers on the fridge, if you need me give me a call okay, I'll make sure to answer." I said.

"I'm pretty sure we won't need to bother you while you’re at work. Don't worry, if we need anything we'll give you a holler.”

Biting my lip and sneaking one more glance at Hailey, I made my way out the door and off to work.

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