Silent Night (Revised)

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Chapter 7: Silent Night (Revised)


I groaned and snuggled into my warm blankets when I heard the excited yelling from Hailey downstairs. I chuckled but didn't make any move to get out of bed. I was about to fall back asleep until Hailey started Shaking me. "Mom, wake up! It's time to open presents! Come on!" Hailey said, shaking me more.I just pulled the covers over my head and snuggled into it, trying to ignore her.

“Oh, no you don’t!” She said as she pulled the covers off me, causing me to curl into a ball trying to keep warm. I opened one eye to get a glimpse of her. She has the cutest pout plastered on her face, causing me to smile. I sat up on the bed and stretched the sleep out of my body. “Did Santa bring a lot of gifts this year?” I yawned

“Uh-huh, Lots of ‘em’!. Come on, let’s go downstairs!” she said.

I got off the bed and grabbed my robe from the closet hook and tied it around me and made my way downstairs with an overly ecstatic Hailey. “Oh wow, I don’t even know where to begin!” She said as she made her way around the tree, trying to find her first victim.

After she finished destroying the wrapping paper to get to her gifts, I decided to bring out the best for last. “One more Hailey and this one’s from me! Stay here!” I said as I raced to the backdoor. Hailey had been constantly bugging me for a new bicycle she had her eye on at the store, luckily I got the last one, but I won’t go into details about that.

“Merry Christmas baby! I hope you like it!” I said as I wheeled it into the living room.

She squealed in delight and ran over to the bike. “Mom, you’re the best! Thank you, I love it!”

“You’re welcome baby. I’m glad you love it.” I said hugging her close.

She pulled away and looked at me with tear filled eyes. “What’s wrong baby?” I asked.

“I didn’t get you anything for Christmas.” She sniffled.

“Yeah you did. I got the best gift of them all. I have you. That’s all I ever want.” I chuckled.

“I love you mom.” She muffled into my stomach.

“I love you too honey, Merry Christmas.” I whispered softy rubbing the top of her head.

“Merry Christmas mommy.” She said tightening her grip around me.

End Flashback

Shawn POV

“Cass wake up, we’re going to be late” I said gently shaking her awake.

“Hai…ley?”Her brows knitted together as she turned her head away from me.

“No, Shawn.” I said confused.

Before I had time to think her eyes snapped open and I found myself face down on her bed with her on top grabbing my hands and pinning them to my back. “As much as I find this kind of hot, I think the roles are a little reversed here, Cass.” I joked.

She let out a deep breath and let go of my arms. “Oh, it’s you.” She muttered. I got off the bed and rubbed my sore arms. “You really shouldn’t invite yourself in, stunts like that can get you shot Shawn.” She said as she scooted off the bed.

“I figured you wouldn’t mind.” I grinned.

“Actually I do. I’m considering changing my locks now, and hiding the key elsewhere.” She retorted.

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