I Promise (Revised)

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A/N: Please leave a comment and let me know what ya think! J

Chapter 3: I promise



The colorful lights and the aroma of fried food filled the air as Shawn and Cassidy walked around at the carnival. It was their first time going as a couple, seeing as they weren’t dating the summer before. “Hey babe, what do you want to get on first?” Shawn asked looking over at Cassidy and showing her his prize winning smile.

He noticed she looked kind of pale. “Hey Cass, are you feeling okay? Are you cold?” He took off his jacket and wrapped it around her. “Thanks.” She mumbled.

“Are you hungry? I can go for a churro or something to drink, possibly a pineapple smoothie.”

“No thanks, Shawn, I’m not really hungry at the moment.” She said quietly

“Are you sure? It might make you feel better? He said concerned.

“I said I’m not hungry, Shawn!” She snapped.

Shawn walked over to her and lightly grabbed her by the arms and looked down at her. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“I can’t do this, Shawn.”

Shawn tilted his head in confusion and smiled. “We don’t have to go on any of the rides if you don’t want to.” He said softly.

“No Shawn. It’s not that, I mean I can’t do this anymore, as in us.”

“What’s wrong with us? We’re doing great Cass. Yeah I know we bicker every now and then, but what couple doesn’t have their problems.”

Tears started to fill her eyes and she let out a shaky sigh. “It’s complicated Shawn, there are just so many things I want to do with my life. I graduate in two weeks, and after that I’m going to the police academy. I can’t do all those things with you Shawn. It’s not fair to ask that of you.” She said

“Of course you can Cass; I would do anything for you. I know I’ve been hopping around on jobs a lot lately, but I can stop. I’ll find something that I can stick with as long as I’m with you.” He pleaded.

“Please understand Shawn, I just don’t see a future with us in it.” She cried.


She went up to him and cupped his face with her hands and gave him one final kiss in the lips. “I’m so sorry, Shawn. I do love you, I really do.” She turned around and ran, leaving a broken hearted Shawn behind.

End Flashback:

Shawn POV:


“Cass?” God she is more beautiful than she was before. She definitely filled out more. Stop it Shawn! Don’t fall for her beauty again, remember what happened last time. “So Cass what brings you here on this fine day?” I said as calmly as possible.

“I work here.” She replied flatly.

No duh Sherlock, wait what?

“Do you know her Shawn?” Gus whispered in my ear.

“I’m sorry, how rude of me. I’m Detective Cassidy Reed, you must be Mr. Guster?” She said as she made her way over to Gus and shook his hand

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