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Chapter 23: Healing

Shawn POV

I hated hospitals. Everything about it was horrible. I hated the color, the smell, everything. I glanced at the clock, and it seems to be moving impossibly slow. We’ve been waiting in this small waiting room for over three hours and no word on either Cass or Buzz. The others around me are quiet. No one has spoken a word since we got here. Dad places a reassuring hand on my shoulder and gives me a smile that says everything will be alright.

Suddenly the silence was broken and Miller busted through the door, followed by Mr. & Mrs. Reed. Miller’s eyes scanned around the room until our eyes locked. He stalked towards me, anger evident in his eyes. “What happened?” He snarled.

I let out a hiss through my teeth as I stood up from my seat. The pain in my side was throbbing and I had a feeling the splitting headache I had was about to get a whole lot worse. “I asked you a question ‘psychic’. Now what the hell happened to Cassidy?” He hissed.

“Man,” I whispered to Miller. ‘What’re you even doing here?”

“I’m listed as her emergency contact for situations like this. She’s my partner and she needs me.” He replied.

“Ex-partner.” I corrected. “And I’m pretty sure you’re the last person she wants to see right now.”

“That has nothing to do with you ‘psychic’, so mind your own damn business. That’s between me and Cassidy.” He growled angrily.

“Erik, what is he talking about?” Mrs. Reed interjected, setting her purse down on the chair as she walked towards us. “What happened between you two? Did you two get into an argument?” She questioned.

“It was a little more than an argument, am I right Miller? After years of knowing Cassidy, you professed your love to her, and she turned you down. And when you offered to give her everything, she still refused and you blew a gasket and ended up hurting her.” I said.

I couldn’t help the smirk my lips twisted into as his face turned red with anger. I wanted to give myself a round of applause for humiliating him in front of several officers and Cass’ family.  This was far much more rewarding than giving him a good punch in the face.

“You touched my daughter?” Mrs. Reed cried.

“Evelyn calm down.” Mr. Reed ordered.  

“Do not tell me to calm down David Reed. I’m sick and tired of you controlling this family. Because of you, we’re a broken family. We lost our granddaughter and now we might lose our only child because of your selfishness. I want my daughter back. I want her in my arms. And you will apologize to Shawn for the way you’ve acted towards him. You will love him and accept him into our family.” She shouted. “And you,” She pointed an angry finger at Miller. “You’ve been in our family for a long time but I will not tolerate you putting your hands on my daughter. The next time you touch her, I will shoot you myself. Do I make myself clear?” She said looking at Miller and back at her husband. Miller and Mr. Reed stood there in shock and nodded their head in understanding and sat down.

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