A Foot In The Grave

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A/N: It’s amazing how much feedback I got on the end of the last chapter from various websites. A lot of you asked if McNab will live or die…you won’t know until the final chapter. Cross your fingers. Oh, by the way, these final chapters are going to be hella long. I didn’t want to break them apart.

I know I don’t post it enough, but thanks to all those who have reviewed and message. It really means a lot to me and brightens my day completely. Honestly, thank you from the bottom of my heart. *Hugs* I tried to make this chapter as suspenseful as I could. This is rated M for a reason peeps. Please review!

Chapter 21: A foot in the grave.

Cass POV

I turned off the faucet and squeezed all of the excess water out of my hair. I opened the shower door and grabbed the towel off the rack, wrapping it around me. I dropped my towel on the floor as I walked over to my dresser. My long hair tickled my back as I pulled on a spaghetti strap tank top and some baggy sleeping pants.

The phone on my dresser buzzed, so I picked it up to see I had a new message from Shawn. Frowning, I snapped it open and opened the message.

‘Cass, please talk to me.’

I smiled sadly and placed the phone back down on the dresser without replying back. I sighed and ran my fingers through my long hair. I think I’ll torture him for a bit longer.

“Why couldn’t you just love me pup?”

I knew that voice all too well. My blood froze as I turned to see Charlie standing by the door glaring at me angrily.

“Charlie? What are you doing here?” I asked softly.

How’d he get in? Where’s McNab?  Holy shit! Where’s McNab?

“I did this all for you, for us. I just wanted us to be happy together, and you didn’t appreciate any of it.” He growled.

What the hell is he talking about? For me, for us? The way he’s talking…could that mean that the one that has been threatening us the whole time, that murdered Hailey…was Charlie? Is it him? Why? Why would he do something like that?

“McNab!” I shouted, taking a quick glance at the door and back to Charlie.

“He won’t be coming to your aid anytime soon sweet heart, he’s taking a nap.” He said with pride.

Oh please no. Please tell me he didn’t kill him?

I looked at him in shock to see him pull out a gun from his jacket and point it at me. I could feel myself starting to panic, but I kept telling myself I needed to stay calm. I needed to take control over the situation and fast.

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